Don't Cancel that Class!

Faculty, before you consider canceling a class, please contact us. The Learning Center and its partners can help! 

Being pulled away for any reason – to attend a conference or host a symposium – is always a challenge. Consider these alternatives to allow your students to practice their skills while you step away for a day. 

Please note:

  • We find that sessions are most successful when students are made aware of a schedule change ahead of time. 
  • The best situations have these workshops incorporated into the syllabus on the first day of class, especially for known absences. 
  • We have a higher likelihood of fulfilling your request if we receive it at least two weeks in advance. We will, however, always try to accommodate your request.

The following sessions are provided by the Learning Center or the designated partner listed, with special package considerations included when necessary. Click on the presentation title for an expanded description.

Package options and descriptions are listed below. Once you have selected an option, please submit a request form

Presented by the LEARNING CENTER:

  • Read Smarter, Not Longer
    Reading textbooks is more challenging than it needs to be and many of our students try to avoid it as much as possible. In this 50- or 80-minute workshop, students learn easy to implement effective reading strategies and how cramming hurts their grades.
  • Learning How You Learn
    This 50- or 80-minute workshop allows students to explore their learning styles. Armed with this information, they will learn how they can make the most out of their class and study time.
  • Peer-to-Peer Study Hour
    This 50- to 80-minutes offering will allow one of our trained tutors or SI leaders to come to your class and facilitate peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Students come with their own work. We send a tutor. Course availability may vary so check with us and we will let you know if we have someone available.
  • Critical Thinking Skills
    In this 50- or 80-minute presentation, students learn methods for reflective reasoning through analyzing and synthesizing information in order to establish well-reasoned conclusions. These skills build creative problem-solving that students can apply to projects, presentations, and papers.
  • Getting into Graduate School
    This 50- or 80-minute workshop is intended to help students get ready to navigate the graduate school application process. Topics covered includes exams, securing letters of recommendation, personal statements, and finding funding. This workshop will be conducted in a computer lab reserved by the Learning Center.
  • GRE Overview
    This 50- or 80-minute workshop introduces students to the GRE: determining if they need to take it, registering, studying , and test-day strategies. A review of the types of questions and real examples will be covered, and students will be introduced to resources they can use to prepare for the exam.
  • Don't Cheat Yourself
    In this session, students learn how to avoid plagiarism so they can get the most out of class without stressing about citations and accidental instances of cheating. Students will leave with a firm understanding of how to uphold academic integrity, as well as their rights under UNT’s Academic Integrity Policy. Available in a 50 minute format only.


Presented by the DEAN OF STUDENTS:

  • Live the Green Dot
    This is an 80-minute presentation focusing on Green Dot, a national program built on the premise that even though no one person can do everything to stop violence, everyone can do something in their community. Green Dot explores the powerful role of the bystander—someone who witnesses acts of violence (“Red Dots”) between others—and how to safely, purposefully intervene to address those acts of power-based personal violence (“Green Dots”). Specific acts of violence include (but are not limited to) sexual violence, domestic and relationship violence, stalking, and bullying. Join a community that is ready and equipped to intervene in Red Dot incidents and help us create a campus that does not tolerate acts of power-based personal violence!.


Presented by the UNT LIBRARIES:

  • Basic Library Instruction
    This 50-minute session will introduce students to the basics of library resources and services. It will also include a tour of Willis Library and an introduction to the library catalog and electronic resources. This is recommended for freshman and sophomore students. **This must be held at a UNT Library location**
  • Subject Specific Library Instruction
    This 50- or 80-minute workshop will invite the subject librarian assigned to your department to instruct your students on library resources that can be used for your class assignments. This session will include a hands-on instruction using library databases and research tips and tricks. This is recommended for upper-level classes. **It is preferred that this be held at a UNT Library location**
  • Finding Funding
    The university subscribes to several resources that students can use to find funding for educational expenses, professional development, and research projects. In this 50- or 80-minute session, students will become familiar with databases that contain funding opportunities. **This will be a hands-on workshop if the class meets in a computer lab or can meet in the Willis Library**
  • Organizing Your References with RefWorks
    In this 50- or 80-minute session, students will learn the basic functions of the online reference manager, RefWorks. They will learn how to set up a free account, gather references from databases, organize them in folders, and produce bibliographies in the citation style of their choice. **This will be a hands-on workshop, if the class meets in a computer lab or can meet in the Willis Library.**
  • Introduction to Scholarly Communication
    This 50- or 80-minute workshop provides an overview of scholarly communication issues, including scholarly writing, editing & publishing, peer review, access & preservation, and current trends in scholarly production. This workshop is ideal for graduate students or upper-level courses with research or publication projects.



  • Cultural Humility: Seeing Ourselves to See Others
    This 80 minute workshop introduces the concept of cultural humility and self-reflection in order to encourage participants to consider how their own perspectives and experiences affect their interaction with others. This session will guide participants through an exploration of their own identity-based personal dimensions and how they influence us..
  • Passing Perspectives
    This 50-minute workshop uses a “Diversity Thumball” to initiate conversation about difference and our own personal perspectives. Catch the ball and if your thumb lands on questions such as “what makes you different,” “in what ways is your world diverse,” or “share a situation when you were in the minority,” you can give and receive perspectives about things you likely never even thought about. The experience will help you learn more about yourself, your peers, and how diversity enriches us.
  • "Keep It Real" Board Games
    Your team of 5 to 15 will play the diversity board game which provides participants with a powerful and enjoyable interactive experience of inclusion, bonding and bridge-building, while it facilitates a positive and dynamic environment. Facilitated dialogue will conclude this team-building activity. A total of 30 participants max and available in an 80 minute format only.



  • Alcohol Awareness
    Minor or adult? Alcohol choices affect us all. In this 50-minute workshop, a representative from the UNT Police Department talks about the hazards of alcohol abuse and the consequences of violating State code.
  • Mutually Cooperative Police Contacts
    In this 50-minute workshop, learn what to expect when contacted by the police in a traffic or pedestrian stop. Topics discussed include understanding your civil rights, how to determine if you have been legally detained, and when to initiate contact.
  • Campus and Personal Safety
    In this 50 or 80-minute workshop, learn strategies and habits that will help keep you safe on and off-campus.
  • Emergency Readiness
    In this 80-minute workshop, learn how to think, prepare, and act in weather-related and medical emergencies or an active shooter scenario.
  • Property Theft (with a Side of Engraving)
    In this 50- or 80-minute workshop, learn how to protect your property and what to do if it happens to you. The 80-minute options allows time for engraving certain student possessions, like bike locks.


Presented by the CAREER CENTER:

  • Hire Me!
    In this 80-minute workshop, topics from both, "Are You a Great Catch" and "Tell Me About Yourself" workshops will be presented.
  • Did You Choose the Right Major?
    This 50-minute workshop will discuss the benefits of starting career planning early and how the skills gained in certain majors can be applied to career goals. Ultimately, it will help students determine their confidence with their major selection or guide them in an exploration process of other options.
  • Are You a Great Catch?
    In this 50-minute workshop students will learn tips on how to succinctly, intelligently and strategically develop their written advertisement. This resume workshop will help students develop a document which shows a complete stranger their character, competency and experience while also enticing the recruiter to take the next step – the invitation for an interview!
  • Tell Me About Yourself
    This 50-minute workshop will help students with navigating the interview process. Students will learn the purpose of the interview, what to expect, how to prepare, how to respond to frequently asked questions and other strategies for acing the interview.



  • Let's Talk Money
    This class talk helps your students understand important money skills needed to be successful today as students and tomorrow as graduates. Discussion, content, and length of discussion can be tailored to complement and enhance your curriculum and class time.



  • Balancing Your Wellness Wheel
    This presentation describes the dimensions of wellness and how mental health fits into our overall health and wellness. Mental wellness programs accessible on campus are discussed so students know where they can learn more and get assistance. Available in a 50 minute format only.


* For writing skills-focused workshops and presentations, please contact the Writing Center at 940-565-2563 to arrange your request.