
The Composers Forum (CF) was founded in 1995 by graduate composers Edilberto Cuellar, Arnold Friedman, and Joe Spaniola, and undergraduate composers Philip Ducote, Kevin Salfen, and Eliot Schechter. Over the years, Composers Forum members have been actively involved in the promotion of new music and performance art works by organizing events both on and off the UNT campus; assisting in collaborations between composers, performers, artists, film makers, poets, and dancers; and sponsoring competitions for composition students.


The Composers Forum (CF) strives to represent its membership faithfully and in their best interests. The organization will focus on increasing the visibility of new student works within UNT and extending to regional/state colleges/universities and facilitating professional development opportunities for its members.

The organization coordinates performances of new works by UNT student composers and supports a culture of shared learning. CF celebrates compositional diversity including, but not limited to, instrumental music, electro-acoustic music, film, and intermedia.


The Composers Forum at the University of North Texas is a student organization devoted to:

  1. Representing the Composer student body on-and-off campus
  2. Bringing new student works to the public’s attention
  3. The early professional development of its Composer members

Composers Forum will be a diverse organization and will foster the spirit of creative innovation/collaboration between composers, performers, and artists of various disciplines throughout and beyond the UNT community.

• Visit the Composers Forum page on OrgSync.
• Join Composers Forum on Facebook.
• Download the Composers Forum Constitution.
• Download the Composers Forum Stage Crew Handbook.
• Download the Composers Forum Logos Black | White

2019-20 CF Officers

Rachel Whelan

Rachel Whelan

rachelwhelan [at] my.unt.edu
Kory Reeder

Kory Reeder

Vice President (Graduate)
koryreeder [at] my.unt.edu
Anuj Bhutani

Anuj Bhutani

Vice President (Undergraduate)
anujbhutani [at] my.unt.edu
Mattie Tempio

Mattie Tempio

Records Officer
madelinetempio [at] my.unt.edu
Sam Miyashita

Sam Miyashita

SamuelMiyashita [at] my.unt.edu

2019-20 CF Board

Sam Ash

Board Member
samuelash [at] my.unt.edu
Korlyn Bailey

Korlyn Bailey

Board Member
korlynbailey [at] my.unt.edu

Yeonsuk Jung

Board Member
yeonsukjung [at] my.unt.edu
Chris Poovey

Christopher Poovey

Board Member
christopherpoovey [at] my.unt.edu

Nok Kiu Tse

Board Member
nokkiutse [at] my.unt.edu
Mark Vaugn

Mark Vaughn

Board Member
SamuelVaughn [at] my.unt.edu

Past Composers Forum Officers & Board Members

Past CF Officers:

• Edilberto Cuellar, chair
• Eliot Schechter, co-chair
• Man-Mei Wu, secretary (fall)
• Rachel Steckler, secretary (spring)
• Arnold Friedman, treasurer

• Joseph Spaniola, chair
• Cliff Jones, co-chair
• Rachel Steckler. secretary
• Arnold Friedman, treasurer

• Joseph Spaniola, chair
• Kevin Salfen, secretary
• Arnold Friedman, treasurer

• Kevin Salfen, chair
• Christopher Tucker, co-chair
• J.T. Rinker, secretary
• Arnold Friedman, treasurer

• Kevin Salfen, chair

• Edward Munguia, chair
• Nikki D'Agostino, secretary

• Nikki D'Agostino, chair

• Nikki D'Agostino, chair
• Jon Collins, co-chair

• Dan Zajicek, president
• Jessica Leza
• Brent Scheihagen

• Ronnie Garza, president

• Edward Henderson, president
• Gary Knudson, graduate vice president
• Laura Marrero, undergraduate vice president

• Gary Knudson, president
• Jay Walls, graduate vice president
• Chris Polcyn, undergraduate vice president
• Jing Wang

• Gary Knudson, president
• Jay Walls, graduate vice president
• Ethan Hayden, undergraduate vice president
• Ilya Rostovtsev
• Christina Rusnak
• Greg Dixon

• Christina Rusnak, president
• Sarah Summar, graduate vice president
• Nick Kanozik, undergraduate vice president
• Ilya Rostovtsev
• Andrew Miller
• Cody Forrest
• Michael Garman

• Da Jeong Choi, president
• Sarah Summar, graduate vice president
• Nick Kanozik, undergraduate vice president (fall)
• Cody Forrest, undergraduate vice president (spring)

• Joshua Harris, president
• Daniel Bernardo, graduate vice president
• Ryan Pivovar, undergraduate vice president
• Elise Wattman, records officer
• Paul Thomas, treasurer

• Mark Oliveiro, president
• Lisa Bost-Sandberg, graduate vice president
• Amy Golden, undergraduate vice president
• Anna Norris, records officer (fall)
• Ryan Fellhauer, records officer (spring)
• S. Andrew Lloyd, treasurer

• Christopher Walker, president
• Elyse Kahler, graduate vice president
• Ryan Fellhauer, undergraduate vice president
• Daniel Routh, records officer
• Jennifer Hill, treasurer

• Ryan Fellhauer, president
• Brad Robin, graduate vice president
• Jen Hill, undergraduate vice president
• Jacob Denny, records officer
• Jordan Kusel, treasurer

• Jen Hill, president
• Seth Shafer, graduate vice president
• Jordan Kusel, undergrad vice president (fall)
• Michelle Brite, undergrad vice president (spring)
• Joseph Lyszczarz, records officer
• Richard Carrasco, treasurer

• Michelle Brite, president
• Michael Smith, graduate vice president
• Michele Newman, undergrad vice president
• Ryan Ayres, records officer
• Richard Carrasco, treasurer

• Ermir Bejo, president
• Mark Vaughn, graduate vice president
• Michele Newman, undergrad vice president
• Evan Adams, records officer
• Richard Carrasco, treasurer

• Louise Fristensky, president
• Jacob Thiede, graduate vice president
• Evan Adams, undergrad vice president
• Samuel Miyashita, records officer
• Kyle Snow, treasurer

• Alex Buehler, president
• Garrison Gerard, graduate vice president
• Matthew Wiggins, undergrad vice president
• Christopher Poovey, records officer
• Samuel Miyashita, treasurer


Past CF Board Members:

• Evan Adams
• Michelle Alonso
• Ryan Ayres
• Ermir Bejo†
• Josh Berthume
• Jordan Bortner
• Lisa Bost-Sandberg
• Joshua Bradford
• Michelle Brite†
• Steven Bryant
• Alex Buehler†
• Richard Carrasco
• Grant Carrington
• Da Jeong (Juliana) Choi†
• Austin Clay
• Jon Collins
• Jeffrey Cook
• Erin Costelo
• Lucio Edilberto Cuellar*†
• Nikki D'Agostino†
• Geritt Davenport
• Clayton Davidson
• Jacob Denny
• Greg Dixon
• Philip Ducote*
• Miguel Espinel
• Eric Faires
• Ryan Fellhauer†
• Cody Forrest
• Arnold Friedman*
• Louise Fristensky†
• Michael Garman
• Ronnie Garza†
• Garrison Gerard
• Amy Golden
• Christopher Grow
• Jason Guitierrez
• Joshua Harris†
• Ethan Hayden
• Edward Henderson†
• Jen Hill†
• Elyse Kahler
• Nicholas Kanozik
• Will King
• Gary Knudson†
• Chris Lamb
• Jessica Leza
• S. Andrew Lloyd
• Joseph Lyszczarz
• Brandon Maahs
• Todd Markey
• Laura Marrero
• Samuel Melnick
• Andrew Miller
• Mary Mixter
• Sam Miyashita
• Edward Paul Munguia†
• Michele Newman
• Anna Norris
• Ryan Pivovar
• Chris Polcyn
• Austin Poorbaugh
• Christopher Poovey
• Lizzy Presland
• J.T. Rinker
• Kevin Rosacia
• Ilya Rostovtsev
• Daniel Routh
• Christina Rusnak†
• Daniel Sabzghabaei
• Kevin Salfen*†
• Eliot Theodore Schechter*
• Brent Scheihagen
• Benjamin Shirey
• Austin Simonds
• Kyle Snow
• John Snyder
• Alejandro Sosa Carrillo
• Joseph Spaniola*†
• Rachel Steckler
• Betsy Stelzer
• Sarah Page Summar
• Jacob Thiede
• Paul Thomas
• Nicolas Useche-Gonzalez
• Mark Vaughn
• Christopher Walker†
• Jay Alan Walls
• Hsiao-Lan Wang
• Jing Wang
• Tyler Waters
• Elise Wattman
• Matthew Wiggins
• Hua Xin
• Daniel Zajicek†

       * founding member
       † past president (chair)