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External Advertising

To expand and diversify the candidate pool, it may be necessary to advertise on specialized, niche sites. Advertising, internet job boards, trade journals, associations, and list serves are useful tools in publicizing professional job vacancies. Please contact Talent Acquisition for assistance.

Diversity Recruitment Resources

The System facilitates recruitment of diverse candidate pools and applicants. This may include advertising on diversity job boards, attending diversity and veteran- related events, providing local organizations with job listings, and community networking.

Advertising Costs

Talent Acquisition will seek opportunities to publish or post job vacancies for free or low-cost on professional organization websites, digital media or publications. Advertising, travel, and accommodation expenses are paid for by the hiring department.

Pre-Screening Process

Applications are against the minimum qualifications of the position. If requested by the hiring manager, the Recruiter will screen incoming applications, including preliminary phone interviews, and present the most qualified candidates to the the hiring manager.

When internal candidates apply, hiring managers are recommended to ask Campus HR department to review personnel files.. Hiring Managers are required to call the current manager (or if a rehired, their former manager) for a reference.

Required Hiring Preferences

Veterans’ Preference

As a State University, we follow the Veteran’s Employment Preference statue (Texas Government Code), which states:

  1. An individual who qualifies for a veteran's employment preference is entitled to a preference in employment with or appointment to a state agency over other applicants for the same position who do not have a greater qualification.
  2. A state agency shall provide to an individual entitled to a veteran’s employment preference for employment or appointment over other applicants for the same position who do not have a greater qualification a veteran’s employment preference, in the following order of priority:
  1. veteran with a disability
  2. veteran
  3. veteran’s surviving spouse who has not remarried
  4. orphan of a veteran if the veteran was killed while on active duty.

The statute does not guarantee the veteran a job, and it does not apply to internal agency actions such as promotions, transfers, reassignments and reinstatements.

The Texas Government Code also states:

Each state agency shall establish a goal of hiring, in full-time positons at the agency, a number of veterans equal to at least 20 percent of the total number of employees of the state agency and outlines these requirements to interview qualified individuals who meet veteran’s preference eligibility when conducting interviews at state agencies for posted open positons:

  • If interviewing six (6) applicants or less, and there are qualified job applicants who meet veteran’s preference eligibility, at least one applicant eligible for veteran’s preference must be interviewed.
  • If interviewing more than six (6) applicants, and there are qualified job applicants who meet veteran’s preference eligibility, then at least 20 percent of applicants interviewed must be eligible for veteran’s preference.
  • If the qualified applicant pool does not consist of any individuals who meet veteran’s preference eligibility under Section 657.003, there is no requirement.
# of Individuals Selected for Interview Minimum # of individuals to interview with Veteran’s Preference (required)
1-6 1
7 1 (20% of 7 = 1.4, round down to 1)
8 2 (20% of 8 = 1.6, round up to 2)
9 2
10 >2

Former Foster Child Employment Preference

As authorized in Chapter 672 of the Texas Government Code, an individual who was under the permanent managing conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services on the day preceding the individual's 18th birthday is entitled to a preference in employment with a state agency over other applicants for the same position who do not have a greater qualification. An individual is entitled to an employment preference only if the individual is 25 years of age or younger.