Half Percent-for-Art Requirement for Capital Projects

Policy number: 
Policy description: 

The University of North Texas nurtures performance and research in art and promotes an appreciation for creative artistic expression. Public art enriches the community and creates landmarks for the campus. Recognizing these values and seeking to enhance the lives of students and visitors, the University commits to allocate one percent of capital project funds to acquire and install artworks into building plans.

Policy owner: Senior VP for Finance and Administration
Policy contact: 
Greg Watts
Dean, College of Visual Arts and Design
College of Visual Arts and Design
Applies to: 
Faculty, Staff, Students, All University
Date Issued: 
Friday, January 29, 2010

Last updated: 

Capital projects funded by student fees and/or auxiliary reserves are exempted from the art requirement. The amount of 1% has proven burdensome. Effective 09/04/2015.