Joint Faculty Appointments

Policy number: 
Policy description: 

Joint appointments provide opportunities for faculty members to have assigned responsibilities in two or more academic disciplines.  University of North Texas (UNT) faculty members may hold appointments in multiple academic units within the university; and with other institutions of higher education or external organizations.  Individuals employed with other institutions of higher education or external organizations may hold appointments at UNT.  All joint appointments require the approval of each academic unit involved in the search, offer, execution, and evaluation of the agreement.

See full policy (PDF): 
PDF icon Joint Faculty Appointments
Policy owner: VP for Academic Affairs
Policy contact: 
Elizabeth Oldmixon
Policy Director, Office of the Provost
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Applies to: 
Date Issued: 
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Last updated: 

New Policy
Created to provide opportunities for faculty to teach, conduct research, and provide professional service across two or more academic disciplines. This policy includes joint appointments at UNT as well as faculty seeking joint appointments with other institutions, laboratories, or affiliated entities. Pollicy effective 6/19/2013.