Welcome to the Women in STEM Community!

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) majors are the most soughtafter careers in industry worldwide and the University of North Texas prides itself on being a Tier One research university since 2015. This is an achievement accomplished by only 131 universities in the nation. Women enrolled in STEM majors at UNT contribute to educating and empowering future generations of women seeking opportunities in science and technology. 

According to LeadersUp.org, as of 2018, although women account for 57.3% of all bachelor’s degrees earned, only a small portion of degrees are awarded in engineering (19.2%), computer sciences (18.2%) and physics (19.1%). Currently, women only hold 24% of STEM-related positions, though earning potential is much higher in those roles. 

UNT student organizations such as Society for Women Engineers (SWE) sponsor community-wide initiatives such as Earth Day Texas to promote various engineering disciplines to middle school and high school girls in the Dallas area.  

Additional Career Resources to Inspire: