Adaptive Technology & Learning Lab Features, Sage Hall

Learn here about the features of the Adaptive Technology and Learning Lab.

Specialized software, hardware, and height-adjustable tables are available. Isolation areas are available upon request. Should you have any questions, contact the UIT Help Desk.

Telephone: 940-565-2324 
Email:   |   Website:  Help Desk Online
Help Desk:  Sage Hall, Room 330D |   Adaptive Lab: Sage Hall, Room 330

Microsoft Windows  


photo of jaws for windows logo

JAWSforWindows:  Job Access With Speech, often called JAWS, is a screen-reading software for blind and/or vision-impaired users. The software can output text to speech or to a Braille display/keyboard, such as those in the Sage Hall isolation room.

Availability: On all lab stations. Windows only.


photo of MAGic software

MAGic: A screen magnification & contrast software. It also enhances user-interface elements such as cursors, mouse pointer and color.

Availability: On all lab stations. Windows only.


photo of non visual desktop access software

NonVisual Desktop Access is an open-source, free screen-reading software for the blind that is similar to JAWSfor Windows, but also keep track of mouse travels. It also can output to a Braille display/keyboard.

Availability: On all lab stations. Windows only.

Apple MacOS

MacOS Accessibility

mac os x offering photo

Many of the software we have on Windows also comes built into the Mac operating system. Please ask the lab manager for assistance or further information.



Braille Embosser/Printer

photo of the braille printing machine

Braille Embosser/Printer is a device capable of printing documents in Braille. The device can be used only with a software called iBPrint. It can convert text-based documents into a Braille document.

Availability: By reservation. Please call or ask the lab manager for assistance.

Braille Display/Keyboard

photo of the braille keyboard

Braille Display/Keyboard is a device capable of displaying user-interface elements into Braille and is used with the JAWS software on Windows.

Availability: Windows Only, by reservation. Please ask lab manager for assistance.


Other Resources

Height-Adjustable Tables

photo of the height adjustable table

Two tables in the lab are height adjustable to accommodate wheelchair access. Please ask the lab staff for assistance.