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M.S. in Health Services Administration

Master's in Health Service Administration

The Masters in Health Services Administration is an excellent program that is focused on the development and practical application of all of the leadership skills essential to health services administrators in today’s competitive marketplace.   We are pursuing program accreditation by CAHME (the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education), which is a 5 year process, but you should know that the program is based on a model of leadership competencies identified by the National Center for Healthcare Leadership.

NCHL Health Leadership Competency Model™

The NCHL Health Leadership Competency Model™ was developed to provide the field with a comprehensive, validated competency model that will be suitable as the foundation for a breadth of leadership assessment and development applications. To ensure relevance to leaders from across disciplines, the Model was developed and validated utilizing interdisciplinary subject matter experts, and was refined in collaboration with industrial and educational psychologists. The resulting model has been adapted for use extensively in healthcare settings, and is now the leading model in use by accredited graduate programs in healthcare management, according to research conducted by CAHME.



The program is designed to provide a broad foundation in health care delivery systems; management strategies; ethical and legal issues in the healthcare environment; the role of Information systems and technology in high quality and efficient care delivery;  marketing health services; and in the principles of solid financial management. There are eight core courses in the program that encompass health services administration, and then we have a variety of four course concentration areas including  applied gerontology, rehabilitation and health data analytics) that allow you to focus on a particular area of interest. 

While the program is delivered entirely online, you will find a high level of interaction with faculty and your classmates in your courses that will help you to get to know your classmates and your faculty well, and that will give you the chance to exchange ideas and to explore areas that interest you most. We have a holistic admissions policy, taking into consideration the whole person, not simply your academic record. We are invested in your success and in helping you to reach your personal goals as you earn your masters’ degree!

This is an accelerated online program (AOP) that allows you to complete the program in 18 months or less by going full time (3 courses per semester) for 4 sequential semesters.

Degree Requirements

The Master of Science in Health Services Administration requires completion of 36 graduate hours. These 36 hours include a 24-hour core curriculum and 12 concentration hours. Students must complete the capstone course prior to completion of the program. The capstone requires the development of a complete business plan for a healthcare organization. The team based project is designed to demonstrate the student's mastery of the discipline and ability to apply knowledge acquired throughout the program to solve a real world problem.

  • HLSV 5300 - Health Information Systems

Overview of entire subject of computer and data applications in clinical and integrated services. Examination of management and electronic information systems across the continuum of long term care and larger systems of care, plus their interface with complex regulatory and reimbursement systems. Primary issues include data security, storage and retrieval, management analysis, reporting, and transmission and interfacing.

  • HLSV 5400 - Health Delivery Systems

Cross-cultural overview of health delivery systems followed by an extensive consideration of all aspects of the health delivery system in the United States; government and private sector involvement in delivery of health services to the aged is emphasized.

  • HLSV 5450 - Health Services Administration

With the help of case studies, reviews the evolution of management in the healthcare industry, and provides management theory, principles, methods and tools for managers in a variety of healthcare delivery settings. Explores key roles in healthcare organizations, as well as project planning and execution, managing change, personnel management and ethics in the healthcare environment.

  • HLSV 5740 - Financial Issues in Health Care Administration 

Presents a broad overview of healthcare finance and focuses on tasks that are essential to the operational management of healthcare services, including estimating costs and profits, planning and budgeting, analyzing new equipment purchases, using metrics to monitor operations, and working with financial statements. Designed for individuals seeking basic skills in healthcare financial management.

  • HLSV 5710 - Theories and Measures for Health and Wellness

Theories and Measures for Health and Wellness - Examines commonly used population health and wellness definitions, constructs and indicators. Age-related changes in health in the lifecycle and macro and micro theories of health are included. Economic consequences and implications for public policy are also discussed.

  • HLSV 5820 - Marketing Health Services

Reviews the legal, regulatory and economic forces that shape the marketing of health services in today’s environment. With the integration of real work organizational examples, students explore the evolution of healthcare marketing from strategies based on advertising and promotion to current strategies that incorporate research, education, and the responsibility to understand the market in which healthcare organizations operate, the customers served by such organizations, and the customer’s needs, wants, behaviors and motivations.

  • HLSV 5880 - Ethical Issues in Aging Society

Provides an overview of the contemporary legal and ethical issues facing health care organizations today. Examination of the legal foundations of decision making in the healthcare arena and exploration of the ethical management of complex dilemmas in the delivery of patient care.

  • HLSV 5940 - Health Services Administration Capstone

Satisfactory course completion requires a comprehensive research project covering the student’s field of specialization. The project is designed to demonstrate the student’s mastery of the discipline and ability to apply knowledge acquired throughout the program to solve a real world problem in the student’s area of specialization under faculty supervision.

Students will also choose a concentration in one of the following areas. 

Applied Gerontology Concentration

  • AGER 5760 - Case Management 
  • AGER 5750 - Processes of Aging 
  • AGER 5780 - Federal, State, and Local Programs in Aging 
  • AGER 5790 - Needs Assessment, Program Planning, and Evaluation in Services for the Elderly

Health Data Analytics Concentration

  • ADTA 5120 - Introduction to Data Science 
  • ADTA 5130 - Data Analytics I
  • ADTA 5230 - Data Analytics II 
  • ADTA 5250 - Large Data Visualization 

Health Informatics

  • INFO 5709 - Data Visualization and Communication
  • INFO 5810 - Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery 
  • INFO 5636 - Community-Based Health Information
  • INFO 5637 - Medical Informatics

Rehabilitation Services Concentration

  • RHAB 5700 - Introduction to Rehabilitation 
  • RHAB 5710 - Multicultural Rehabilitation
  • RHAB 5730 - Medical Aspects of Disability
  • RHAB 5770 - Rehabilitation Research & Program Evaluation