
The HPC tutorials will help you get started: connect, configure and go! Please contact Dr. Charles Peterson, charles.peterson@unt.edu, should you have any questions, comments or input about the tutorials.


New User Tutorial

A detailed overview of UNT HPC resources and how to use them 

Part 1, Table of Contents

Part 2, Table of Contents

Introduction course to R 

  • Created by Jonathan Starkweather from Data Science & Analytics

Using Rstudio on Talon 3

  • A video tutorial from Dr. Rich Herrington from Data Science & Analytics

Using Jupyter Notebooks

  • Created by George Mihaila from Data Science & Analytics

Machine Learning on Talon 3

  • Created by Dr. Rich Herrington from Data Science & Analytics

Using PyCharm on Talon 3

  • Created by George Mihaila 


UNT HPC Workshops from Discovery Park