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Leave Explained - Vacation

Regular staff members and full time faculty accrue vacation time in hours each month according to the Texas Government Code.

Vacation accrual occurs monthly from the first day of employment and ends on the final day of employment. But vacation with pay may not be granted until a staff member has had six (6) months of continuous employment. Vacation leave is separate from sick leave.

Full-time, benefits eligible employees accrue eight (8) hours per month from their first day of employment and accrue additional time per month as years of service increase. Part-time, benefits eligible employees accrue prorated time based on the number of hours worked each month. Vacation leave must be approved in advance by a supervisor.

Find Your Vacation Leave

Leave and Time reporting is managed by department timekeepers and the Payroll department in the consolidated controller's office.

  • Find vacation leave balance by logging in with your EUID and password at MySystem

Lapsing or Carry Over Vacation Balance

At the start of each fiscal year (Sept. 1), the number of hours in each employee's balance exceeding the appropriate maximum carry forward amount (see accrual chart) will be removed or lapsed from the employee's vacation leave balance and roll over to the employee's sick leave balance. These lapsed vacation hours are no longer available for vacation, except according to the rules, and will not be paid upon separation, retirement or termination of employment. Lapsed or unused hours may be donated to the employee Sick Leave Pool

Transfers to Other State Agencies

Employees who transfer to another Texas state agency or higher education institution without a break in service (final day of employment at one agency is the day before the first day at another agency) will not be paid for vacation leave. Rather, the employee's vacation balance will transfer to the new employer.

To ensure a correct balance at a new position, contact the hiring manager at the new agency or higher education institution. 

Lump Sum Payment (Form HRM-9) for Vacation Upon Separation

Employees who have more than six (6) months of state service and are not transferring to another state agency may be paid for accrued vacation. Contact the department supervisor and Payroll.

Texas Government Code and Vacation Leave Policies

Vacation and other types of leave are regulated by state law and policies at each system location. Find vacation policies: