TMCCP Scholarships, Financial Assistance

Scholarships and Travel Stipend Information

Many types of financial assistance are available to qualified applicants.

If you would like to become a sponsor, we invite you to learn more about seminar sponsorship and scholarship sponsorship.

Request for Reimbursement Form for scholarship or travel stipend recipients

Seminar Registration Fee Scholarships 

Seminar registration fee scholarships are awarded prior to each TMCCP seminar (in the full amount of the TMCCP seminar registration fee). These are awarded to those in pursuit of the Texas Registered Municipal Clerks Certification or Recertification. Awards are made by the TMCA Certification Committee.

Visit the Seminar Registration Fee Scholarships Information web page.

Seminar Travel Stipends

Seminar travel stipends are awarded prior to each seminar, up to an amount of $300. These stipends are to be used to defray the cost of travel to a TMCCP seminar, and are awarded to those in pursuit of the Texas Registered Municipal Clerks Certification or recertification. Awards are made by the TMCA Certification Committee.

Visit the Seminar Travel Stipends Information web page.

TMCA Major Scholarship Awards

These awards are made annually. Applications must be submitted by June 15 each year. The TMCA Scholarship Committee will determine winners based on eligibility requirements. Winners will be notified that they have received a scholarship. TMCA scholarships are $500 for pursuit of the TRMC or recertification, or up to $1,000 for pursuit of a bachelor's or graduate degree.

Download the application form. NOTE: Members apply for TMCA Major Scholarships in the current calendar year and, if awarded, must use the funds in the following calendar year. TMCA Major Scholarships are awarded at the TMCA Annual Banquet.

Visit the TMCA Major Scholarship Awards Information web page.

Sandra Watkins TMCCP Election Law Seminar Scholarship

Attention, eligible employees from small cities!

We’re excited to announce a new scholarship that enables eligible applicants from small cities to attend the invaluable annual TMCCP Election Law Seminar. Longtime TMCA member, mentor, and former Executive Board member Sandra Watkins bestowed the endowment for this scholarship.

One $500 scholarship will be awarded annually.

The purpose of the scholarship is to assist the awardee with registration fees and travel expenses for a TMCCP Election Law Seminar (held within two years of award). Awardee shall be a current TMCA member from a small city/town with a population fewer than 5,000. Enrollment in the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program is not required.

Learn more about eligibility, history, and the scholarship's administration.

Applications must be submitted by June 15 each year. The TMCA Scholarship Committee will determine winners based on eligibility requirements. Winners will be notified that they have received a scholarship.

Download the application form. NOTE: TMCA members apply for this scholarship in the current calendar year and, if awarded, can use the funds either the following calendar year, or the year after that. This scholarship is awarded at the TMCA Annual Banquet (attendance at the banquet is encouraged but not mandatory).

MCCi Records Management Scholarship

One $500 scholarship will be awarded in each of three categories annually. The purpose of the Municipal Code Corporation Innovations (MCCi) Records Management Scholarship is to recognize city secretaries/municipal clerks who have established outstanding systems for records management or who have improved existing systems. Scholarship award funds shall be used only for continued or advanced education in a TMCCP program or a TMCA, Inc., approved records management program, i.e., ARMA, Texas State Library, Council of Governments.

All entries must be received by June 15 to be considered for this year’s scholarship.

Download the application form. NOTE: The MCCi Records Management Scholarship is awarded every year at the TMCA Annual Awards Banquet. Any awarded scholarships are available for use in the following calendar year.


Are you a scholarship or travel award stipend recipient? To obtain your reimbursement, use our Request for Reimbursement Form.