Traditional Tuition Plan

Know your college costs now

  • With the traditional plan, you may be subject to a tuition increase each academic year after your initial enorollment.*

  • The traditional plan does not offer the incentive of up to $3,000 for graduating on time, but you may still be eligible for the statewide on-time $1,000 tuition rebate.

*Tuition has increased 3.9% over the last four years. However, the UNT Board of Regents-approved tuition and fees have not been established for Fall 2018 and beyond.

If you do not meet the Texas residency requirements, you will be automatically enrolled in the traditional plan.

Eagle Express by the numbers

Eagle Express Plan vs. Traditional Plan
For New Freshmen
(Total Academic Costs* by Year)

Line graph: Eagle Express plan vs. Traditional plan

*Total Academic Cost is based on taking 15 semester hours in the fall semester and 15 semester hours in the spring semester.
This includes:

  • Board-designated tuition
  • State-mandated tuition
  • Mandatory fees
  • Course/instructional fees (averaged for traditional plan)

**In your final 15 semester credit hours, the Eagle Express plan will save you $3,000. With the $1,000 tuition rebate, you could save up to $4,000.

In the traditional tuition plan, course and instructional fees are not included in the fixed increase. For comparison purposes, the chart above shows average course/instructional fees.

Students in the traditional tuition plan may be eligible for the statewide $1,000 on-time tuition rebate.

The choice is yours! If you decide the Eagle Express plan isn’t right for you, you will be automatically enrolled in the traditional tuition plan. If the Eagle Express plan is a perfect fit, call our toll-free information line at 844-236-6855 for details on how to choose Eagle Express.

Learn more

Your academic advisor can help you figure out which plan is best for you. You also can direct any questions you have to our toll-free information line at 844-236-6855.

Want answers now? Visit the Eagle Express FAQs section for more information on how it pays to graduate on time at UNT.