National Drone Safety Awareness Week

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is launching the inaugural National Drone Safety Awareness Week from November 4th through the 10th. The FAA will highlight key sectors using drones for good. Thursday's focus will be the business sector focused on commercial uses and medical package delivery services.

The University of North Texas Facilities department has been using unmanned aerial vehicles since 2016 to monitor construction progress, map UNT assets, and support other entities in related activities. The department uses multiple aircraft to monitor construction sites and documents various stages of each project with centimeter precision.

Safety is a large part of the program. Each pilot receives training and is then required to pass an FAA proctored examination before being certified to fly. Afterwards, each Facilities pilot is required to undergo a formal ground school on-site as well as flight training on the individual aircraft they are to fly. Once cleared for flight, each pilot is required to meet and maintain currency by attending FAA sponsored seminars and maintaining proficiency on each aircraft type their pilot.

By constantly seeking to improve our skills, practicing those skills, and remaining up to date on the most recent Federal, State, and local rules and regulations, UNT Facilities ensures that each flight flown is conducted in a manner that does not endanger the public or property of the university.





For updates about construction on campus and UNT Facilities events, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

If you need maintenance assistance, please contact us at 940-565-2700 or

request service online.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 (All day)