Bennett Frohock


Theatre and Psychology Major

Faculty Led: Language, Culture and Community Service in Peru

Although UNT is a campus with diversity, many students still have limited experiences with other cultures. Study abroad is a safe, easy, and educational way for students to experience a different way of life whether it is for the first time or the hundredth. Beyond students at UNT, college is an excellent time for young people to experience new cultures and ideologies from around the world. College students often have flexible schedules and flexible minds which allow them to gain the most from their international experiences. Although some students may study other cultures in the classroom, actually living in a culture often leads to a deeper understanding of that culture. For example, I learned that Peruvians use the word "Chevere" in a very similar way to how Americans use the word "Cool," but I never would have been able to discover the universal handshake of casual young men in Lima by reading a textbook. You can learn about the effects of Mate de Coca in a classroom, but it is impossible to taste the flavor without leaving the U.S.