Our site is intended to be a compilation of valuable real-time information which can be used for upcoming meetings, current hot topics, and research on past topics. You will find Senate governing documents, meeting agendas, minutes and recordings, faculty awards information, faculty evaluation of university administrators information, current listings of your Faculty Senators, and links to other sites of faculty interest. 

UNT is always striving to meet the needs of its students, faculty, and staff. There are numerous committees that address the issues faced by the UNT community. This site provides information concerning Faculty Senate standing committees, Faculty Senate elected committees, and select university/administrative committees to which the Faculty Senate appoints faculty. Committee membership is an important avenue for participation in shared governance within the university...don't hesitate to take this opportunity to make your voice heard! Join a committee, serve on the Senate, and keep the dialog flowing through your senator or by contacting the Faculty Senate office with your concerns so that the shared governance mission of the Faculty Senate may be fully realized!

"Be the change you want to see in the world." ~~ Mahatma Gandhi