Student Organizations

A “student organization” means a group of College of Law students joined together in the pursuit of a common purpose. Such organizations must be open to all students without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status.

Student organizations must have the formal agreement of a full-time College of Law faculty or staff member to serve as an advisor. In addition, any student organization seeking the privileges of status as a College of Law “registered student organization” must register annually in the Office of the Dean of Students.

Registering organizations must provide the following upon registering with the Office of the Dean of Students:

  • A list of all current members.
  • The names and contact information for all students holding leadership positions in the student organization. If such names are not available at the time of registration, they must be provided within ten (10) business days of their election to a leadership position.
  • A current constitution and by-laws.
  • A copy of the student organization’s policy manual if applicable.
  • The name of a full-time faculty or staff member who has formally agreed to serve as an advisor.

Registration does not imply COL endorsement of the viewpoints, objectives, or purposes of the student organization, and the COL assumes no responsibility for the content of programs or activities sponsored by a registered student organization.

The president or equivalent student organization leader must be currently enrolled at the COL and must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.25. If the leader's grade point average falls below 2.25, the leader will not be eligible to continue to serve in the leadership position.

Registered organizations must participate in student organization training session as required by the Office of the Dean of Students. The registration process will not be complete until this requirement has been met.

Registered organizations are entitled to the following privileges:

  • Opportunity to hold meetings in College of Law facilities at no cost except costs required under other College of Law policies.
  • Eligibility for funding through the Office of the Dean of Students for qualifying uses related to promotion and operation of the student organization.
  • Access to College of Law student organization web resources and e-mail at no cost so long as the student organization acts in compliance with COL computer use policies.
  • Opportunity to schedule and present programs for the COL community through the Office of the Dean of Students.
  • Recognition in the annual publications of the Office of the Dean of Students.

Student organizations are subject to the requirements of the College of Law Code of Conduct, and violations of the Code may result in the withdrawal of privileges under the provisions of the Code.