TMCA Publications

TMCA Publications Available for Purchase

Click on titles for further details and ordering information.

Texas Municipal Election Law Manual
by Analeslie Muncy
Fifth edition, 2016 | Supplemented annually
Available in print and via online subscription!

Texas Municipal Law and Procedure Manual


Texas Municipal Law and Procedure Manual
By Alan Bojorquez
Sixth Edition, 2015 | Supplemented annually
Available in print and via online subscription!

TMC Handbook cover

Texas Municipal Clerks Handbook
By Texas Registered Municipal Clerks
Eleventh Edition, 2018


Further Publications

TMCA Election Calendar

TMCA publishes annual May and November election calendars authored by attorneys.

November 2019 Election Calendar by attorneys Analeslie Muncy and Caroline Webster

May 2020 Election Calendar by attorney Caroline Webster

TMCA Newsletter

TMCA, Inc., also publishes TMCA News, a quarterly newsletter sent via email to all Texas Municipal Clerks Association members. It features TMCA business, TMCA chapter news, information on TMCCP seminars, messages from the TMCA president, articles featuring TMCA members, and much more.

TMCA City Secretary Salary Survey

Every spring in advance of our city secretaries' budgeting needs, TMCA conducts a salary survey amongst its member city secretaries and many generously take part.

2019 Salary Survey: SurveyMonkey view | Excel document

Sample Proclamations

TMCA gathers and hosts hundreds of sample proclamations from the generous donations of city secretaries across Texas. These are free to use by all.

Sample Proclamations

TMCA Membership Directory

The contact information for current TMCA members who have chosen to participate in the directroy is available to all current members of TMCA, Inc.

TMCA Online Membership Directory |  available to members only

TMCA Strategic Plan

TMCA's guide for the Association's executive board to develop the annual budget and provide a succinct method of articulating to staff the policy direction for TMCA and the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program. This Strategic Plan also communicates to TMCA members and TMCCP enrollees and graduates the TMCA board’s commitment to communication, collaboration, and cooperation among all TMCA members and partners. Finally, this Strategic Plan provides a road map that will encourage all Texas municipal clerks to join an outstanding organization where education, certification, and networking result in better local government across the great State of Texas.

TMCA Strategic Plan

TMCA Policy Manual

The TMCA Policy Manual contains the up-to-date policy of the Texas Municipal Clerks Association, Inc.

TMCA Policy Manual