Character and Fitness Questions

  1. Have you even been given academic probation or academic suspension?
  2. Have you ever been disciplined in any way for any matter by any college, university, law school, or other institution of higher learning, or by any professor, administrator, employee or entity representing any college, university, law school, or other institution of higher learning, or have you been allowed to withdraw from such an institution to avoid such discipline, whether or not the record of such action was retained in your file? (Discipline includes, without limitation, a letter or other written notice of reprimand or warning, suspension, expulsion, adjustment of grade, assignment of community service, any form of probation, or any other adverse action.) (Entity includes, without limitation, residential facilities or other facilities owned or managed by a college, university, law school, or other institution of higher learning.)
  3. Have you ever been convicted of an offense, placed on probation, or granted deferred adjudication or any type of pretrial diversion? You must report any such offenses involving alcohol or drugs. You must report any failure to appear conviction resulting from any offense. You may exclude only Class C misdemeanor traffic violations.
  4. Have you, within the last ten (10) years, been arrested, cited or ticketed for, or charged with any violation of the law? You must report any offenses involving alcohol or drugs. You must report any failure to appear charge or warrant resulting from any such offense. You may exclude only Class C misdemeanor traffic violations.
    I hereby acknowledge a continuing obligation to inform UNT Dallas College of Law immediately of any changes to my application after submission, including changes to my character and fitness disclosures. I will attach a statement providing complete details of the change and supporting documentation. By answering YES to this item, I am indicating my acknowledgement of this obligation and agree to comply with it. I understand that if I answer "NO" to this question my application will not be reviewed.