Dos & Don'ts of Copyright & Trademark Compliance

Last Updated: 11/08/2019 13:30

The following is a concise reference for copyright and trademark compliance best practices. It is not intended to constitute or substitute for detailed information or legal advice. If you have any questions or concerns about any use of copyrighted work or trademarks, please submit a request here and we will be happy to provide detailed information.  If you require legal advice, please contact the Office of General Counsel.



small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngLink to third party web sites that contain copyrighted works small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngEmbed social media content -or- Link directly to a copyrighted file
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngUse public domain works made prior to 1924, freely small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngCopy entire documents, images, or video (always assume a work is copyrighted)
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngUse your or UNT's own creative works, since we are the copyright owners! small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngUse another's unpublished work without their express, written permission
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngRequest graphic design services from CLEAR small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngModify a copyrighted image & use the new version (it will be an unauthorized "derivative work")
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngUse these select web sites to find images for your course small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngUse Google, Bing, or Yahoo to find images for use in your course
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngUse works licensed under Creative Commons terms small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngOmit an attribution for any work licensed under Creative Commons terms which requires it
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngUse a screenshot of a software interface small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngUse a pirated or unlicensed copy of software -or- screenshot of a web page
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngReformat, reorder, and redisplay third party data small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngMake an exact copy of a table or graph (the design/layout is copyrighted)
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngQuote and cite small portions of text small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngCopy more than 5% of a written work -or- Omit citations
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngUse a still frame image from a video when linking to a web site hosting the video small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngUse a still frame image from a video for any purpose not directly pedagogical
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngUse a work you co-authored, unless a work made-for-hire small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngUse a work made-for-hire created at a previous employer, without written permission
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngUse government works, as they are considered in the public domain small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngUse the name, likeness, photograph, signature, or audio of a famous person
small_icon_checkmark_green_circle_0.pngUse trademarks to identify a company or individual small_icon_dash_red_circle.pngUse trademarks in any other manner, especially advertising