Student Organization Funding Requests

Student Organization Funding Requests are available for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) to assist with their events and programs. Funded by the Student Service Fee, applications are coordinated by the Office of Student Involvement & Organizations through an online form. The application is available each semester and follows the process listed below. Each application is processed and collected by Student Affairs and then reviewed by the SGA Funding Request Committee. 


APPLICATION DEADLINE. The Funding Request application must be submitted by the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

  • Fall Semester Deadline: September 7th
  • Spring Semester Deadline: February 2nd

Application Eligibiblity Requirements & Regulations:

  • Eligibility Requirements: 
    • Must be a registered student organization (RSO)
    • Complete training workshop, see list of dates and times below.
    • Apply by the deadline(s)
    • Accept terms & conditions of the application
  • Event Requirements & Regulations
    • All events/programs must benefit the entire student body, must serve for the betterment of campus life, and present an opportunity for student involvement and enhance the image of the University.
    • All events/programs must be open to all students and provide equal access to all students where reasonable accommodations can be made. The event may not have an admission fee.
    • Funding received is restricted to spending the funding as allocated by the committee. Changes must be emailed and approved by the Office of Student Affairs.
    • Purchases must be coordinated with the Office of Student Affairs prior to the event. No reimbursements are allowed. Quotes and/or W9 forms for certain vendors must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs 2-4 weeks prior to the event.
    • Purchases may not be used to make a profit for the organization or fundraising.
    • Events may not be funded through another source (i.e. university departments, etc.)
  • Restricted Events: Many events are approved by the committee, however the following events are restricted: Fundraisers, Induction Ceremonies, General Membership Meetings, Closed Banquets/celebrations/galas/etc.
  • Restricted Purchases:
    • Membership fees
    • Conference fees
    • Hotel fees
    • Gifts or prizes
    • Travel, airfare, transportation, etc.
    • Alcohol
    • Individual meals
    • Gift cards
    • Members-only apparel
  • Complete Funding Request Training. The training for the SOFR process is emailed and advertised to all student organizations registered with the Office of Student Involvement & Organizations. The dates for Spring 2020 are:
    • 1/17 at 2PM
    • 1/22 at 3PM


  1. Submit the Application with Required Documents. The application will ask for a few pieces of information, including a program description, answers to the hearing questions, contact information for the student organization, and a detailed budget. The application is found at this link: and must include the following items:
    • Student Organization Contact Information: The application will need you to provide the contact information for president, treasurer, and program organizer
    • Budget: All items must be listed in a detailed budget quote sheet, template is provided for you, see link listed below.
    • Program Information: Include the program title; date/time/location of program; program description; AND program purpose
    • Flyer: All promotional materials must contain the SGA logo and will need to be uploaded to the application.
    • Advisor Approval Letter: The advisor must sign the advisor approval letter.
  2. Attend SGA Hearing. The SGA Finance Officer and Funding Request Committee will schedule a hearing with the contact person you identified on your application. If that person cannot attend, another representative of the organization must be present. During this hearing, the committee will ask any follow-up questions about the applicant's submission. SGA hearings will be scheduled during the General Assembly Meetings no more than two (2) weeks after the SOFR deadline.
  3. Recieve Notification. Once a decision has been reached, the student organization will be notified of the decision via email.
  4. Coordinate Purchases. If approved the student organization must coordinate purchases through the SOFR Order Form. This should happen at least 2-4 weeks prior to the event and due by 11/15 in the fall and 4/15 in the spring.
  5. Host Event. Once everything is finalized, you will host your event as intended. You will be notified if you need to pick up any items if you ordered anything. Enjoy your event!
  6. Submit Report. Once the event has ended, submit the report form for any SOFR funded events that were completed. This form is due December 1st for Fall events and May 1st for Spring events. The link is: 

If an organization meets the requirements for funding, allocation of funding is not guaranteed. The amount may be granted in whole, part or denied. The Funding Request Committee will award funding to organizations based on merit and time of application entry. To increase the likelihood of receiving funding organizations should submit the funding request packet as early as possible. The Funding Request Committee will not deny funding on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religion, nationality, political affiliation, or any other individual differences.

If you have any questions, please contact us at