AITS IT Manager Alan Garrison graduates from Supervisory Building Blocks


For the past two years, UNT has participated in the Supervisory Building Blocks program, which supports supervisors throughout the campus.

It’s a program designed to help supervisors with goals, defining responsibilities and by providing them with resources, noted Bob Brown, Vice President for Finance and Administration.

In this year’s graduating class, one new division manager found that support very beneficial. 

“The Supervisory Building Blocks classes have provided me with a solid foundation and good templates to use in my new role,” said Alan Garrison, IT Manager with Administrative Information Technology Services.

Garrison, who was promoted to a supervisory role in May, attended 30 hours of training with supervisors from around campus. Courses center around four topics: foundations of supervision, performance management, employee relations and operational services.

UNT, along with UNT HSC and UNT-Dallas, have participated in this program since 2015 and, to date, 200 supervisors have graduated from the program.

Pictured above: Alan Garrison, IT Manager with Administrative Information Technology Services, received his certificate for completing the Supervisory Building Blocks program.