New Data Science Graduate Degree in College of Information

The Information Science Department Launches a New Data Science Master's Program

The Department of Information Science is pleased to announce its new Master of Science in Data Science degree program. The Master of Science in Data Science degree is designed to meet the rising demand for highly skilled data science and data analytics professionals. It prepares students for careers in data science and analytics with a broad knowledge of the required tools, techniques, and methods. The program focuses on relevant areas such as statistical analysis, natural language processing, computational linguistics, information retrieval, information visualization, social network analysis, text analytics and data mining.

The program helps graduates to acquire the types of skills and competencies needed in designing, implementing and transforming sets and large volumes of information into actionable knowledge. It provides students with the knowledge they need to manage data science and data analytics projects and work with analytics tools and technologies. The program is aimed at educating a new generation of information professionals capable of taking the leadership role through connecting the dots and using data to support strategic initiatives within the organization.

Applications are now being accepted for the program that will begin in Spring 2018. For more information visit, the Information Science Department.

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