Suspension & Reinstatement

Academic Suspension

Students on academic probation who do not earn either 1) a CGPA of 2.0 or 2) a semester GPA of 2.25 at the end of the term are subject to suspension.

  1. First academic suspension:  One long term (Fall or Spring terms)
  2. Second academic suspension: Two long terms (Fall or Spring terms)
  3. Third academic suspension: Indefinite - two calendar years

Students on suspension for the following term are dropped from all future enrollment and not allowed to attend UNT Dallas for the designated terms (including the Summer term and all sessions within the term), regardless of whether the student has registered or preregistered, paid fees or financial aid eligibility.  A long term is defined as a 16-week Fall or Spring term and all of the sessions within those terms.  For example, students on their first academic suspension at the end of a Spring term are eligible to seek readmission for the following spring (unenrolled for the Summer term and one long Fall term).

Readmission to the institution is subject to current admissions policies.  Students seeking readmission after a third academic suspension must have approval from the dean for the school that offers the student’s major currently listed in the student’s record.

When students re-enroll UNT Dallas after a suspension, they must earn either 1) at least a 2.25 semester GPA during the following enrollment term or 2) 2.0 CGPA to continue enrollment.  Students who do not meet one of those standards is then suspended again for a longer time period (as designated above).

Students should be aware that coursework taken at another institution while on suspension may not apply directly to the degree plan or serve to meet other graduation requirements without prior consultation with UNT Dallas advisors.

SPARE - Student Plan for Academic REcovery

The student Plan for Academic REcovery (SPARE) program is designed and required for all students who find themselves in any academic status other than good academic standing. 

For students whose academic standing is Probation, Returning from Suspension, participation includes:

  • Complete Academic Contract
  • Meet with SPARE advisor

Appealing Academic Suspension

Students whose academic suspension was a result of an extenuating circumstance may be eligible to appeal to be reinstated.  Extenuating circumstances rarely occur and are generally unforeseeable and unpreventable events that have had a serious impact on the student's academic performance.  Students with extenuating circumstances will be accepted for review by the Provost's Appeal Committee.  Students must write a personal statement describing the extenuating circumstances which contributed to their suspension.  In addition, students must provide a plan for how the extraordinary event(s) has/have been resolved and provide proof to the Appeals Committee that further difficulties will not occur if the student is allowed to continue coursework in the next semester.  If you plan to appeal, gather any documentation that you believe will help your case and include only essential materials, please.

Please be aware of specified deadlines; late submissions will NOT be considered.  Decisions by the appeal committee are final.

Reinstatement Term Deadline to submit materials
Fall 2019 June 3, 2019 by 5:00pm
Spring 2020 January 3, 2020 by 5:00pm

 Complete and submit the following documents by the above deadline: