Music Library Remodels, Expands

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Recent changes at Willis Library have helped the Music Library better utilize space, cater to patrons’ needs and continue to offer support to faculty, staff, students and community members and scholars worldwide who use their collections and services.

Those changes are evident as soon as patrons step off the elevator on the fourth floor and see the new service desk.

By consolidating items from the library’s general collection, space was created for Music Technical Services to process new acquisitions, donations and cataloging, said Andrew Justice, above, audio and digital services librarian.

The Music Library also gained space off-site with a state-of-the-art remote storage facility and new, movable shelving. Most items with the highest use in the library’s nearly 100 special collections will be stored there, as well as non-digital sound recordings, the majority of which have not yet been cataloged.

To learn more, see the full article in UNT’s InHouse: Music Library remodels, expands.
