Innovation through Information

Here you will focus on the knowledge, theory, and technology dealing with the collection of facts and figures, and the processes and methods involved in their manipulation, storage, dissemination, publication and retrieval. Come along to build competencies in important and emerging areas such as information organization, information architecture, information seeking and use, health informatics, knowledge management, digital content and digital curation and information systems.


kYmberly Keeton (MLS ’14) is the recipient of this year’s Austin Civic Futures Awards for Community Inclusion & Engagement. The Civic Futures Awards recognizes teams and individuals across Central Texas who are shaping the... read more

We are pleased to give a UNT "Mean Green" welcome to 2 new faculty members for the fall 2019 semester. 

Dr. Sarah A. Evans joins the Department of Information Science this fall as an Assistant Professor where she will focus her research, teaching, and service on youth... read more

Congratulations to Ana Roeschley, Information Science PhD candidate, who is this year’s recipient of the Student Engagement Award, offered by the Association for Information Science & Technology Special Interest Group – Digital Libraries (... read more

IS alumnae, Shelly McMullin and Angel Durr, graduates of the PhD Information Science program have had their dissertations featured in the June issue of American Libraries as a "Notable Dissertation" for 2019... read more

Amy Poe, a graduate student in the MLS program enrolled in the Virginia-West Virginia cohort, is one of two persons selected for the Alaska State... read more