Writing Retreat

Date: 11/08/19
Time: 8:00am
Location: Chemistry Building, Rm 334
Contact: Kat Aoyama
Email: Kat.Aoyama@unt.edu
Phone: 940-369-7340

The UNT Faculty Writing Group provides support for faculty members on establishing and maintaining productive writing habits. Writing retreats run from 8 am to 5 pm, and faculty members work on their writing projects. Breakfast, coffee, and lunch are provided at writing retreats. They have five to seven writing retreats planned for this fall semester. The attendees of previous retreats included faculty from all colleges and ranks including lecturers. They occasionally hold a discussion or presentation during lunch. The discussion and presentation topics include information about the group, developing a daily writing habit, staying motivated, time management, developing an organization system, setting writing goals, and advice from faculty about tenure and promotion. Lunch will provided from Jason's Deli. 

Contact Kat Aoyama at Kat.Aoyama@unt.edu to RSVP