Stay Connected

At UNT’s Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, we love our alumni, and we want to stay connected with our growing community. We would be thrilled to see you at upcoming UNT events and chat with you over our social media networks to learn about the many ways you continue to excel. We hope to see you at your next visit back to UNT, and we invite you to use the resources on this site to stay informed about the latest UNT news and events. Don’t forget to update your contact information and follow us on social media so we can stay in touch!

Our alumni and friends make a big impact. From giving time as volunteers to supporting scholarships and programs with monetary donations, our community network provides a dynamic energy that propels our students and university to do bigger and better things. Thank you for all of the ways you continue to give back. We look forward to seeing the many ways UNT will prosper in the future because of your faithful generosity.