TMCCP Textbooks

Certification Program enrollees will use several textbooks in their certification program studies. The textbooks may be purchased or rented elsewhere, borrowed from the TMCA Loan Library, or a combination of thereof. A list of current textbooks is available below.

Borrowing Textbooks

To borrow textbooks from the TMCA Loan Library, please print out and complete our Book Loan Agreement Form and return it it to the TMCCP office with the one-time $100.00 TMCA Loan Library fee. Textbooks are loaned to enrollees one course module at a time from our library. Books are loaned for a period of 45 days each; extensions may be granted upon request.

Our offices keep track of which books enrollees need as they progress through the Certification Program. Enrollees will be in contact with Kathleen Spriggs, who maintains the TMCA Loan Library.

Enrollees: need an extension on your textbook loan? Contact Kathleen Spriggs.

Purchasing Textbooks

You are welcome to purchase your textbooks; a list of textbooks is provided below. It is recommended that an enrollee purchase only one course of textbooks at a time since the textbooks used in the certification program are subject to change, and editions are frequently updated. Only current course textbooks may be used for enrollee homework.

If you purchase textbooks for a course in which you are actively working, you are committed to a time frame for those books. Because we do often update the textbooks, and textbook editions change frequently, once you purchase the books for a particular course, you must complete the homework and take the final exam over that course within three years or after three years, you will start the course over with the updated material and any new textbooks.

Availability and cost. If purchasing textbooks, enrollees are welcome to search for competitively priced textbooks locally or online. Unless noted, all textbooks are in print. Contact Kathleen Spriggs if you have any questions.

Textbooks Currently Used in TMCCP Study

Course 1: Public Management and Administration

Course 1 textbooks currently in use | Page last updated May 2, 2019

Course 1, module 1: Administrative Office Management by Odgers (2005), 13th ed., ISBN 0538438576
Course 1, module 2: How 14: A Handbook for Office Professionals by Clark and Clark (2016), 14th ed., ISBN 978-1305586963
Course 1, module 3: Effective Supervisory Practices, edited by Flaherty (ICMA), 5th ed.,  ISBN-978-0-87326-774-8
Course 1, module 4: Managing Urban America by Morgan, England, and Pelissero (2016), 8th ed., ISBN 978-1506310497

Important Note: Textbooks and their editions in all courses are subject to change. If purchasing textbooks, do not purchase textbooks far in advance of beginning coursework—only current textbooks can be used in coursework. Please contact us for the latest study materials.

Course 2: Understanding the City and Local Government Law

Course 2 textbooks currently in use | Page last updated May 2, 2019

Course 2, module 1: Cities and Urban Life by Macionis and Parrillo (2016), 7th ed., ISBN-13: 978-0134377513
Course 2, modules 2, 3, and 4: Texas Municipal Law and Procedure Manual by Alan Bojorquez

Important Note: Textbooks and their editions in all courses are subject to change. If purchasing textbooks, do not purchase textbooks far in advance of beginning coursework—only current textbooks can be used in coursework. Please contact us for the latest study materials.

Course 3: Context of Local Government Finance, Revenue Sources, The Local Budget, Budget Cycle, Public Funds Investment, and Ethics

Course 3 textbooks currently in use | Page last updated May 2, 2019

Course 3, modules 1,2,3: A Budgeting Guide for Local Government, 3rd ed., by Robert L. Bland
Course 3, module 4: The Responsible Administrator, 6th ed., by Terry L. Cooper

Important Note: Textbooks and their editions in all courses are subject to change. If purchasing textbooks, do not purchase textbooks far in advance of beginning coursework—only current textbooks can be used in coursework. Please contact us for the latest study materials.

Course 4: Motivation, Public Relations, Supervision, Election Laws

Course 4 textbooks currently in use | Page last updated May 2, 2019

Course 4, module 1:  Excellence in Business Communication, by Thill and Bovee (2017), 12th ed., ISBN: 978-0-13-431905-6
Course 4, module 2: Managing Human Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations by Denhardt, Denhardt, Aristigueta, & Rawlings (2019), 5th ed., ISBN-13: 978-1506382661, ISBN-10: 1506382665
Course 4, module 3: Human Resource Management in Public Service, by Berman, Bowman, West, and Van Wart (2016), 5th ed., ISBN: 978-1-4833-4003-6
Course 4, module 4: Texas Municipal Election Law Manual by Analeslie Muncy

Important Note: Textbooks and their editions in all courses are subject to change. If purchasing textbooks, do not purchase textbooks far in advance of beginning coursework—only current textbooks can be used in coursework. Please contact us for the latest study materials.