2016 SFEW

lessons learned graphic poster

How do college instructors learn to teach effectively? Many entered the classroom with trepidation and minimal formal preparation. The journey may have started on uncertain footing and without a clear path. Along the way, there were obstacles and shorts, people who helped and hindered, uphill climbs and high points. Each journey is a tale of lessons learned from success and failures. At this year’s Salute to Faculty Teaching Excellence, we’ll hear short stories from a dozen or more UNT faculty sharing their best or worst moment in teaching and what they learned from it.

Wendy Watson - Political Science
Steven Cobb - Economics
Sheri Broyles - Mayborn School of Journalism
Robin Henson - Educational Psychology
Rick Reidy - Materials Science and Engineering
Pam Harrell - Teacher Education & Administration
Nicole Smith - English
Mike McPherson - Economics
Marc Cutright - Counseling and Higher Education
Leslie Roberts - Community and Professional Programs
Kris Chesky - Texas Center for Performing Arts Health
Doug Henry - Anthropology
Brian Richardson - Communication Studies
Andy Nelson - Anthropology
Salute to Faculty Excellence 2016 - Lessons Learned