Effective Teaching

This section of the Handbook provides resources for learning effective teaching techniques and skills, including assessment and evaluating students.

  • There are a variety of teaching methods and strategies to college teaching, some more effective than others, and all dependent on a variety of circumstances such as the students, the discipline, the instructor’s teaching philosophy, the classroom setting, etc. For a quick introduction to choosing from these numerous approaches, see Choosing How to Teach: An Introduction.
  • Classroom environment plays an important role in effective teaching and student learning. See this article, Ensuring a Safe, Inclusive Classroom Environment, for tips on how to establish a positive learning environment in the classroom.
  • Another crucial component of effective teaching and student learning is collaborative learning, where students learn from one another. Facilitating an effective classroom discussion is a classic way to establish a collaborative learning environment in the classroom.
  • In order to determine whether or not students have learned, instructors need to develop appropriate assessment methods and techniques. Developing student learning outcomes is essential to beginning this process and ensuring that a course aligns.
  • Once student learning outcomes are established, an instructor needs to prepare effective assessments to evaluate student learning. For more on assessing student learning, see the Teaching Commons Assessment Teaching Essential.
  • The second step in effective student learning assessment is properly preparing and administering exams and tests. For tips on administering online tests and exams, see CLEAR’s webpage, Delivering Online Exams.
  • Instructor feedback helps students improve learning and learn from their mistakes. Since feedback can be daunting depending on course size and number of students taught in a single semester, this article provides helpful tips for providing personalized feedback more efficiently.
  • Finally, maintaining academic integrity in the classroom helps ensure assessment fairness. To develop a class based on fairness, all instructors should be aware of the different types of academic dishonesty, as well as the academic integrity resources available to them. Students should always be made aware of the course and university grading policies. For more teaching tips and strategies regarding academic integrity, see the Teaching Commons Academic Integrity Teaching Essential.