University of North Texas Forensic Science Program
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Professional Info

All students in the program are encouraged to join professional societies related to their career goals while in the program. These societies help build a professional outlook and profolio while the student is still at the University. Listed below are societies which can benefit the students' education. Typically a student joining one of the organizations will need a letter from the Director, so please contact the forensic office for one.


American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS): how to become an AAFS member, application procedures and deadlines. Job opportunities. About FEPAC.  To become a student member see Dr. Golden at the beginning of the fall semester for info and a recommendation. Membership deadline application is October 1st of each year.

Southwest Association of Forensic Scientist (SWAFS): A student can apply for membership any time during the year. Any question ask the UNT Director.

American Chemical Society (ACS): information about chemistry and chemistry professionals. UNT also has a student chapter, look for flyers at the begiining of each semester to join.

Society of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT):  students pursuing degrees and careers in disciplines related to forensic toxicology may apply for membership as Student Affiliate members.

Other Organizations of Interest:

American Board of Criminalistics (ABC): certification program; eligibility, application process

US Department of Justice

American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors: job opportunities

International Association of Identification: educational conferences, job opportunities

The Biochemical Society: information about biochemistry and biochemistry professionals, membership, and meetings

American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS): workshops and conferences about mass spectrometry, job opportunities

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): job opportunities

McCrone Research Institute: microscopy, teaching, meeting and conference information

National Museum of Crime and Punishment: The museum displays excellent depictions of historically famous crime scenes along with detailed information concerning national crime and punishment. The link below leads to their CSI blog
Forensic Blog


Personal Pages:

About Dr. Henry Lee: biography of the forensic expert, famous cases, learn about forensics

Reddy's Homepage: Rendy's lists for US and UK schools offering forensic program, online courses and distance learning, forensics for high school students

Crime Scene Investigation: resources for crime scene investigators, educational training and employment resources

Forensic Science Degree Guide: a searchable database of over 300 forensic science degree programs

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