John Ishiyama | Department of Political Science

John Ishiyama

Professor and Graduate Advisor
Wooten Hall 166
Curriculum Vitae: Download CV


  • Comparative Politics: democratization and political parties in post communist Russian, European, Eurasian and African (especially Ethiopian) politics, ethnic conflict and ethnic politics, the scholarship of teaching and learning.
  • Principal investigator, along with J. Michael Greig, for the National Science Foundation-Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) grant "UNT Civil Conflict Management and Peace Science" that funds one of only a few NSF-REU political science sites in the country, and he is Director of that program.
  • Currently an executive board member of both the Midwest Political Science Association and of Pi Sigma Alpha (the national political science honorary society) and on the advisory board of the Minorities at Risk (MAR)Project, the largest database on ethnic groups and conflict in the profession.

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