Requirements for Associate Graduate Faculty Member | Philosophy & Religion

Requirements for Associate Graduate Faculty Member

Non-tenure-system faculty, retired faculty, and practitioners are eligible for Associate Membership in the Graduate Faculty. Associate members of the Graduate Faculty may teach graduate level courses, serve as members of master's advisory committees, serve as members of dissertation committees, and serve as University members for doctoral dissertations or final comprehensive examinations.

Retired faculty may engage in graduate teaching or advising activities not in progress at the time of retirement with the approval of the Department of Philosophy and Religion and the Dean of Graduate School. Departments and academic colleges are responsible for developing criteria and review processes for their faculty to attain and maintain Full or Associate Membership in the Graduate Faculty. Associate members of the Graduate Faculty may teach graduate level courses, serve as members of a master's advisory committee, serve as members of dissertation committees or D.M.A. advisory committees, and serve as University members for doctoral disssertations or final comprehensive examinations for the D.M.A.

Department Criteria for Associate Graduate Faculty Membership: Associate members of the graduate faculty in the Department of Philosophy and Religion must possess the highest degree appropriate to the field or unquestionable evidence of comparable achievement in the discipline as well as clearly demonstrate a current and/or a sustained record of scholarly or creative activities indicated by publications in recognized journals in the field, books, and exhibitions or performances. These criteria are subject to the discretion of the Chair and Director of Graduate Studies within the Department.

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