Options | Peace Studies


Undergraduate Opportunities in Peace Studies

An interdisciplinary major or minor in this growing field allows students to adjust their course work to best fit their field of interest. Because Peace Studies courses are offered in Political Science, Anthropology, Communications, Economics, History, and Sociology, a major or minor in Peace Studies is a perfect supplement to any undergraduate education. The Peace Studies Program at UNT also offers several scholarships for students who major or minor in Peace Studies. Upon graduation, there are also a number of different options for Peace Studies graduates to pursue a career in the following areas:

  • employment in a foreign service
  • service in a international organization
  • practicing international and human-rights law
  • employment in a corporation that invest in foreign nations, or
  • a profession in a non-governmental organization working on human rights violations, substantial economic development, environmental protection, and/or conflict resolution

Study Abroad in Peace Studies
Peace Studies supports several study abroad courses, including the 5-week (summer) London Program and a 3-week Maymester course at the Interantional Criminal Tribunal on Yugoslavia in the Hague, Netherlands.

Peace Studies students have interned locally with the Center for Suvivors of Torture, the International Rescue Committee, the Innocence Project of Texas, as well as the Landmine Survivors Network (Washington D.C.). Most interns are awarded as Aileen Andrew Peace Intern Scholarship during their internship.

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