

Academics - Find out every date you need to know to plan your academic year. From enrollment deadlines to finals week, it’s all right here.

Alumni Association - Have you graduated but can’t get enough of the Mean Green? Check here to find out when the Alumni Association is hosting a game day grill or planning the next reunion.

Career and Leadership - College is about preparing yourself for your future career and learning to be a leader. Explore the Career and Leadership category to find out when you can attend helpful events like UNT Suit Up.

Conferences - Spend your day learning and networking at one of the many conferences hosted at UNT.

Cultural Diversity - Expand your horizons with events inspired by cultures around the world. The Cultural Diversity category will show you when and where to find celebrations of world cultures like NatioinaliTEA and Stories from Abroad.

Dance and Theatre - Discover which productions UNT’s Dance and Theatre Department are presenting this semester, as well as when you can see some annual favorites like the Faculty Dance Concert.

Dining - UNT’s Dining Services constantly creates fun ways to make your meal times exciting and delicious. Scroll through the dining category to find out which food we’re celebrating today.

Discovery Park - Discovery Park is just a bus ride away, and it hosts many of its own events. Check here to find out when you can catch a movie or grab some pre-finals breakfast.

Engagement and Support - Let’s face it, college is hard. That’s why we have the Engagement and Support category to let you know about helpful events hosted by departments like Student Legal Services, Veteran Services, and the Money Management Center.

Exhibits - UNT is all about the arts, and we think you should be too. Check out the Exhibits category to find out when the next Fine Arts Series presentation will arrive or what innovative paintings and sculptures will be next displayed in the Union or in galleries across campus.

Films - Schedule your study breaks around UNT’s movie schedule. The Films category will let you know when you can catch new and favorite movies and documentaries.

Governing Bodies - From the Student Government Association to the Faculty Senate, UNT representatives are making important decisions on campus. Learn when they are meeting by scrolling through the Governing Bodies category.


Music - Find out when you can see and hear what UNT does best: music.

Off Campus - The Mean Green community reaches far beyond our campus. Learn about UNT sponsored events that happen in Denton and across Texas.


Sales and Fundraisers - Support UNT organizations by attending their fundraisers. The Sales and Fundraisers category will let you know when events like Eaglethon are happening.

Sports - Want to show your Mean Green pride? Check the Sports category to find out when you can cheer on your favorite team.

Staff Related - From retirement celebrations, service award ceremonies and luncheons, all UNT employees can find out which fun event is next by checking here.

Student Life - There is more to college than getting a degree. Discover all the activities UNT offers in-between classes, from improv troupes to open mic night.

Student Organizations - The student organizations category is here to help you get involved on campus. Find out when your favorite club meets or discover a new group to join.

TAMS - Students who are enrolled in the UNT Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science program can find events just for them here.

Training - Find out how you can become a better employee, a more successful student or supportive mentor by attending one of UNT’s many training events. Topics include higher education finance, the art of successful coaching, and much much more.

UNT Yearly Events - Participate in our university traditions! The UNT Yearly Events category will let you know when reoccurring events like Homecoming or Commencement are happening this year.

Union Events - The Union is always bustling with activities. Find out when to attend fun events like Union Fest, finals BREAKfast or UPCreations.

Volunteering - At UNT giving back is part of our DNA. Find out how you can participate in events like The Big Event here.

Wellbeing and Safety - Sooner or later, everyone gets sick or stressed out. The Wellbeing and Safety category offers events that focus on student’s health and happiness. Check it out to discover therapy dog days and much more.

Youth Camps - It’s never too early to get involved at UNT. Find out more about kid-friendly programs here.