The University Seal

The university seal is reserved for the highest official communication of the university. The seal is a mark of guarantee; it is reserved for the most solemn and serious purposes of the institution. The university brand director regulates the use of the UNT seal and must give permission for its use.

The university seal is reserved for the following items:

  • University transcripts
  • Diplomas and certificates evidencing completion of degree requirements and/or courses of study
  • Blank certificates containing the seal may be created but will be produced in limited quantity and only for a specific purpose. Offices using such certificates are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the seal and must exercise appropriate care in ensuring that the certificates are used only for their intended purpose.
  • Ceremonial documents such as awards and proclamations from the Office of the President. The Office of the President also may use the seal as part of its official stationary and letterhead materials.
  • Commemorative objects created for limited distribution, made out of durable material of high quality. Examples include plaques, medallions and commemorative crystal paperweights. The only exempt items not made of durable material are graduation announcements.
  • Permanent signage in extremely limited usage, such as at the main entryway to the institution, but not including building signs. Use in the Office of the President is appropriate, but not in less formal settings.
  • Financial documents such as the official university or system budgets, checks, university- or system-issued securities and other financial papers where it is essentially a mark of guarantee. (It may not be used in ordinary internal communication documents regarding financial matters.)
  • Contracts and documents that require the president’s signature

Prohibited uses of the seal:

  • Do not use the seal in place of the university wordmark or lettermark.
  • Do not use the seal on any disposable item or in online or fluid media (web, video, PowerPoint presentations, CD or DVD presentations) without URCM approval.
  • Examples of inappropriate uses of the seal include banners, clothing, coffee mugs, toilet paper, napkins, water bottles, notebooks, portfolios, plastic cups and disposable cups. Use the university's other marks for these purposes.

Basic guidelines when using the seal:

  • Use only reproduction-quality images of the official seal provided by URCM. Use the seal in its entirety. It must never appear partially or used as an element of a larger design.
  • Use the seal in its normal orientation â€” it may never be turned, altered,  screened back or used in part.
  • Use the seal alone. Do not combine the seal with another emblem or symbol, except where it appears with the wordmark of the university. The seal may be combined with type, but type may not touch or be superimposed on it. To prevent fraud, overprinting of the seal in the form of a watermark is acceptable.
  • Use the seal only in the original configuration, in a single color of UNT green or black. Reversing out the seal in any of the university's colors (green and black) or blind embossed is acceptable. Exception: Embossing the seal in gold, silver and green on official university announcements over UNT's primary colors of green, black and white is also acceptable. URCM must approve embossing over other colors.

Any exemptions to these rules require the permission of the university brand director. For approvals, send an email or contact Lora Connaughton at 940-565-3405.