Texas Municipal Election Law Manual

Cover of the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual

Texas Municipal Election Law Manual by attorney Analeslie Muncy
Fifth edition, supplemented annually

About the Author | Table of Contents

Hardcover three-ring binder; dimensions (in inches): 3" x 9" x 10"


Now Available in Two Formats

This publication is available in both the classic hard copy version—with annual invoiced supplements, or in a new online annual subscription version. Purchase either or both!

Hard copy option: Encased in hardcover three-ring binder; dimensions (in inches): 3" x 9" x 10". Annual supplements for the printed version of this manual will be sent annually with an invoice.

Online access option: A subscription offers one year of access to the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual online, hosted by Franklin Legal Publishing. This online publication is searchable, and limited printing is available.

Note: This is a single-user license. Owner will be emailed annually with a reminder to renew their online access subscription. See the order form/online store listing for renewal rates.

About the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual


The Texas Municipal Election Law Manual provides city secretaries and all municipal officials with complete information on how to administer municipal elections in Texas. The concise content of the text details every phase of the election process. This manual also includes the following essential information: legal references, regulations, agencies, and contact information of other resources needed to conduct an efficient, cost-effective municipal election.


An accurate, time-saving resource, this book is needed by all novice and experienced Texas election officials. Designed primarily for Texas city secretaries and city clerks who perform the bulk of the administrative election duties, this manual encompasses the responsibilities and actions of mayors, city councils, election judges, clerks, and candidates.

Easy to use and understand, this manual includes a current election calendar; detailed chapter analysis for each of the twenty chapters; highlighted subject headings throughout the text; numerous tables, charts, lists, and planning guides; an extensive index; and citations of the corresponding Texas Election Code.

Up-to-Date Information

Hardcopy version: An annual supplement and three-ring binder format keeps your manual current without pocket parts. When you purchase the hardcopy version of the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual, you will receive automatic annual supplements with an invoice.

Annual online subscription version: Access to the latest content of the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual online.

Table of Contents

Chapter | Chapter Heading

1 Introductory Information
2 Types of Cities and Administrative Duties
3 Election Precincts and Polling Places
4 Election Judges and Clerks
5 Watchers and Inspectors
6 Voter Qualifications and Registration
7 Election Equipment and Supplies

8 Ballots
9 Conducting an Election
10 Election Order, Notice and Cancellation
11 Candidates: Filing and Eligibility
12 Election of City Officers
13 Special Election to Fill Vacancies
14 Runoff and Tie Vote Elections

15 Special Elections on Measures
16 Early Voting
17 Special Forms of Early Voting
18 Candidate and Officeholder Funds
19 Joint Elections
20 Voting Rights Act and Bilingual Elections

A Unique Publication

This invaluable reference is the only administrative Texas election law manual of its kind.

“I am so impressed by the depth of information provided in this essential manual. I reach for it first when I have an election question! And how easy is it to read the Election Manual? Simple—it is written for clerks by an expert attorney who understands what we do and how important it is to ‘get it right’ when it comes to fair, legal, and smooth elections!

“Without the Manual, I would be searching for hours in the Election Code... but when I do want to read the Code, our Election Manual conveniently provides the citation on where to find the law. You must have this manual—it is absolutely indispensable. I guarantee results and assurance in knowing you've got answers at your fingertips!” Patrice Fogarty, TRMC, City Secretary, City of La Porte

“The Texas Election Law Manual remains on my desk during election season and throughout the year. It is the definitive source for municipal election questions in Texas.” Scott Houston, Director of Legal Services, Texas Municipal League

“There are several resource guides on elections, generally, but my firm consistently turns first to the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual because it is specific to cities.” Alan Bojorquez, Attorney at Law, Bojorquez Law Firm, PLLC; author, Texas Municipal Law & Procedure Manual

About the Author

Analeslie Muncy

Analeslie Muncy is an attorney at law and author of the fourth and fifth editions of the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual. She served as Director of Human Resources at the City of Burleson from 2000 until 2005. She served as a member of the public law section of the law firm of Taylor, Olson, Adkins, Sralla & Elam, L.L.P., Fort Worth, Texas, for eight years. She is a past president of the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, an organization of city attorneys throughout the United States and Canada; a past president of the Texas City Attorneys Association; and a past member of the Board of Directors of the Texas Municipal League. Ms. Muncy worked in the city attorney's office, City of Dallas, from 1969 to 1991 and served as Dallas City Attorney from 1982 to 1991. 

While with Taylor, Olson, Adkins, Sralla & Elam, L.L.P., Muncy served as city attorney to the City of Benbrook, the City of River Oaks, and the City of Haslet, and provided legal assistance to several other cities in the Metroplex area. She has presented numerous papers on municipal law topics at various conferences and seminars, has served as an instructor for the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program's Election Law Seminar, and has lectured for the TMCCP Legislative Update sessions.