Contact Us

Texas Municipal Clerks is located at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas.

Texas Municipal Clerks may be reached at 940-565-3488. The Texas Municipal Clerks offices are located at the University of North Texas; office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Peggy Burnside, TRMC  |  Administrative Director
In addition to general inquiries, Peggy can assist you with your questions about TMCA/TMCCP policy, TMCCP seminar logistics and hotel arrangements. Hotel contacts and vendors should also direct inquiries to Peggy.

Miriam Sheehan, TRMC  |  Assistant Director
In addition to general inquiries, Miriam can assist you with your questions about your Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program enrollment and progress, as well as assist with access to your online learning management system account or access to online TMCA publications to which you are subscribed.

Kathleen Spriggs  |  Office Support Associate
In addition to general inquiries, Kathleen can assist you with questions about purchasing TMCA publications, your publication subscriptions and supplements, TMCCP seminar registration, and can assist TMCCP enrollees with the TMCA Loan Library.

Dr. Amy Holt, TRMC  |  Education Director
In addition to general inquiries, Amy can assist you with your questions about your Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program homework and progress, TMCA/TMCCP policy, and guide you toward resources to assist you with the duties of a city secretary.

Alexandra Burke  |  Communications Specialist
In addition to general inquiries, Alexandra can assist you with your questions about our website and Facebook page, your account on our online portal/store, TMCA membership, our TMCA newsletter, advertising your TMCA chapter educational event, and listing your city secretary job opportunities on our "Job Opportunities" resource.

Mailing Address

This is NOT the physical address.

University of North Texas
Texas Municipal Clerks
1155 Union Circle #305067
Denton, TX 76203-5017


Physical Address • Cannot Receive USPS Mail

Please do not address regular United States Postal Service mail to our physical address—it will not be delivered; this is only for visitors and the use of carriers such as UPS and FedEx.

Physical Address: Texas Municipal Clerks, University of North Texas, Mean Green Village, Building C, Room 107, 1528 S. Bonnie Brae St., Denton, TX 76207.

Download or view the directions to the Texas Municipal Clerks offices.



If you have a question about the duties of a city secretary, need informal election help, or just need peer support and helpful resources, you may wish to join our Texas Municipal Clerks Yahoo! Group. City secretaries and other city officials from all over Texas subscribe to this list serve, and members often assist one another with support, resources, forms, templates, and advice. Note: If you need help with our Yahoo! Group, please contact our Group moderators.

The Texas Municipal Clerks office does not offer legal advice. We encourage city officials to contact their city attorney or Texas Municipal League.

Election questions? Our Texas Municipal Election Law Manual publication is an excellent resource. You may also wish to contact the Secretary of StateElections Division.