Institutional Compliance and Integrity

More than 80 student health care providers learned to enhance older patients’ safety through better communication during an afternoon of activities at the UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth. Working in interprofessional groups of eight to 10 that included pharmacy, medicine, public health, nursing, dietetics, physician assistant studies and physical therapy, the students rotated through stations where they worked hands-on with the geriatric issues of falls risks, cognitive impairment, multiple medications and functional impairments. The nursing students were from TCU Harris College of Nursing and the dietetics students from Texas Woman’s University; the others are from the UNTHSC campus. COMPLIANCE PHOTOS 0001 Photos with our doctoral students for marketing UNTHSC-School of Public Health.


Compliance at the Health Science Center is a matter of fairness, guidance, confidentiality, accountability, ethics, and protection. Adherence to compliance is an opportunity for each health science center employee to make a meaningful contribution to the ongoing success of the institution.

  • The Compliance Program at UNT Health Science Center ensures that all personnel conduct their business, research, educational and service activities with complete adherence to all statutory requirements and at the highest levels of ethical behavior.
  • The Program is designed to enhance employee, student, business associate and patient/client awareness of the expectation of ethical behavior, and to facilitate the reporting of suspected breaches of conduct or noncompliance.
  • This site is to help members of the UNT Health Science Center community familiarize themselves with policy and procedures relevant to ethical conduct of the activities at the health science center. It also provides specific guidelines for reporting a suspected compliance violation.

How may we assist you with compliance matters?

Students, employees, patients and others may address a compliance concern the following ways:

  • Discuss it with your Supervisor or Advisor
  • Speak to the Chief Compliance Officer, 817-735-5131
  • Seek guidance or file a report on the UNTHSC Trust Line (formerly the Ethics Hotline)
  • Managers and Supervisors may report issues directly
    • Compliance Report And Management Form – Link


What to expect when you contact the Trust Line

  • You will be treated fairly. In accordance with UNT Health Science Center Non-Retaliation Policy, UNTHSC prohibits retaliation against anyone who raises concerns in good faith. We take this very seriously.
  • You will be treated with respect. We appreciate any and all good faith reports, as they help to keep us at our best. Your concerns will remain confidential.
  • Action will be taken. The Chief Compliance Officer will review the situation and determine if an investigation is required. If so, the investigation will be conducted fairly and objective based on the information provided.

To learn more, visit the Tust Line site  or review the Trust Line Q&A

If you have further questions about the Trust Line, please email

This page was last modified on April 30, 2019