
Data Loss Prevention

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Recently, ITSS implemented the DLP service in order to protect Personally Identifying Information (PII). This service was implemented to make UNT System complaint with federal and state laws regarding the distribution and storage of PII, like bank account numbers, social security numbers, and more.  In the future, we hope to extend the DLP service to more departments in the UNT System. So, we would love to know more about what your experience with the DLP service has been like so far! 

IT Security Fun Fact

Monday, January 28, 2019

On January 28th, the United States and Canada celebrate Data Privacy Day – led by the National Cyber Security Alliance. Their goal for Data Privacy Day is to encourage people to use the internet safely and securely. To learn more about Data Privacy Day, visit the NCSA’s website.

ITSS Success Stories

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Congratulations to everyone involved in the impressive success of the Campus Solutions 9.2 Upgrade. Thank you and congratulations to everyone involved in the redesign and upgrade of the ServiceNowCustomer Portal. This is an exceptional example of what we can achieve in ITSS with collaboration and teamwork!