Believe in yourself. Be patient, be creative and (most of all) have fun!

That’s the advice Brittney Dear has for aspiring writers. Brittney, a UNT College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Psychology major, has been writing for as long as she can remember, finishing her first book in 4th grade.

“Writing stories made me feel alive growing up; it gave me a sense of purpose,” says Brittney.

Brittney took her entrepreneurial mind and love of writing to the next level when she decided to self-publish. She hired a graphic designer for the cover, found editors, formatted her book and took responsibility for putting it all together.

“I wrote my next full novel, ‘Forsaken’, at 14 when I discovered self-publishing. I didn’t hesitate to get my book out into the world. Nearly a year later, I began working on my second novel, ‘Fifty Days’, and published it with a publisher at 17, then again on my own at 18.”

In addition to being an author and student, Brittney is also a big proponent of mindfulness and mental health and wellness. Pursuing her degree in Psychology has given Brittney a keen sense for what young adults struggle with concerning mental health and has given her the idea to write a mindfulness blog, “Mindfully Brittney”.

“My family is always supporting my writing and all other areas of my life. I’m also highly influenced by my favorite author Jeff Vandermeer, the king of weird fiction and author of ‘Annihilation’. Another favorite author is Lucy Christopher, who really got me into novel writing thanks to her cliff endings and ambiguity.”

Brittney is constantly writing short stories, toying with additional story ideas in her head and is working on a self-help book for young adults transitioning into college life, drawing from her own experiences and education.

After graduation, Brittney thinks her life will lean toward psychotherapy or life coaching.

“I know I want to be a writer, novelist, blogger and a speaker. I also know I want to use my love for psychology and writing, blending the two together to create my dream job.”

Nice to meet you, Brittney!

Image Description: Brittney Dear holding two of her novels, “Forsaken” and “Fifty Days”.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling