University of North Texas

University Policy Office - Policy Manual


Policy Number: 
Date Issued: 
4/87;8/95*; 9/99*,9/03*

1. Purpose:

Administrative leave is authorized on a limited basis for full-time regular staff members who participate in the University Fitness Program. The granting of such leave is for the purpose of recognizing the benefits of the program toward improving the health and well-being of University staff members, and to provide sufficient time for participation.

2. Eligibility:

A full-time regular staff member must be a member of the University Faculty/Staff Fitness Program for any semester for which leave is requested. Membership is required because the program is approved by the Governor's Commission on Physical Fitness, and it provides supervised and structured activities which can be verified within the agency.

To be eligible for such leave, the participant must obtain administrative approval from his/her department. Supervisors are encouraged to grant such approval, subject to scheduling and workload requirements of the department.

The individual must participate in a scheduled activity or class of the Fitness Program. Each day's participation must be for the full duration of instructor-led classes, or for the minimum length of time recommended by program guidelines for other activities.

The participant must sign the attendance roll each day that leave is claimed.

3. Leave Use and Reporting:

Program participants who meet the eligibility requirements will be granted twenty (20) minutes administrative leave for each day of participation as defined above. The leave may be granted only for a class or activity scheduled during the noon hour, immediately before, or immediately after working hours. No more than one leave period per day will be granted.

Participants should request departmental approval in advance each semester. This request should be submitted on an Application for Approval of Leave Form UPO-15. The request should specify which class, which days of the week they plan to participate and the time of day they are requesting leave.

The department should record this administrative leave on the Regular Staff Member Time Card Form UPO-24.

The director of the Fitness Program shall maintain attendance rolls and membership records for a period of three (3) years. A department may request verification of their employees' daily participation at any time.

Any abuse of this privilege may make the employee ineligible for further participation and may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or discharge.

REFERENCE: State Employees Health Fitness and Education Act of 1983, Texas Government Code, Chapter 664.

*9/03 Reviewed with no changes