Applied Gerontology

Applied Gerontology, AGER = 0410

2250. Images of Aging in Film and Literature. 3 hours. Study of attitudes toward aging through depictions of the elderly in English-language films and literary works. A major goal of the course is to replace stereotypical views of the elderly with an understanding of the variety of human experience in the last decades of life.

3480. Psychology of Adult Development and Aging. 3 hours. Personality, cognitive, social and sensory-perceptual aspects of development from early adulthood through death. Emphasis is on the development of a comprehensive understanding of the adult portion of the life span. (Same as PSYC 3480.)

4020. Psychology of Death and Dying. 3 hours. Concepts and attitudes concerning death and dying from a psychological perspective; current research on death and dying; development of insights and understanding to prepare the student to interact effectively with people who are terminally ill and their family members. Prerequisite(s): advanced standing and consent of department. (Same as PSYC 4020.)

4060. Leisure and Aging. 3 hours. Develops an awareness of the physiological, psychological, economic and sociological processes of aging that affect leisure behavior and involvement patterns. Development of activity programs for community-based and institution-bound individuals. Prerequisite(s): SOCI/AGER 4550 recommended. (Same as RECR 4060.)

4250. Topics in Gerontology. 1-3 hours. In-depth analysis and discussion of selected significant subjects in aging. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4450. The Family in Later Life. 3 hours. Later stages in the family life cycle are surveyed with emphasis on changing family composition, role transitions and support systems. Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1510 or equivalent. (Same as SOCI 4450.)

4500. Long-Term Care Case Management with Older Adults. 3 hours. This practitioner-oriented course focuses on the foundations of case/care management and the care management process as practiced with impaired elderly clients and their family caregivers. Topics include older client intake and assessment, establishing goals and a plan of care, coordinating and linking services and resources, and managing and monitoring care. Situations commonly encountered with at-risk elders are examined using protocols.

4550. Sociology of Aging. 3 hours. Emergence of aging as a problem in industrial societies; specific problems and programs relating to older people in American society. Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1510 or equivalent. (Same as SOCI 4550.)

4560. Minority Aging. 3 hours. Introduction to the study of minority elderly in the United States, including their physical and mental health, income security, family relations, and service issues. Course content focuses on African-American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and Native American elders.

4700. Women in Later Life. 3 hours. Examination of the social, psychological and economic issues facing older women from historical, current and futuristic viewpoints. The course identifies historical forces that have shaped the status of older women, explores major issues of importance to older women today, and identifies issues and probable responses that will affect older women in the future.

4750. Sexuality and Aging. 3 hours. One of the most pervasive myths of aging is that older people are non-sexual. This course challenges popular stereotypes and examines sexual attitudes, activity and behavior as people age. In addition to common social beliefs and attitudes that may affect the opportunity for sexual expression among older adults, biological changes and sexual response are explored, as are other aspects of intimacy important to aging individuals.

4780. Aging Programs and Services. 3 hours. Introduction to the history of social policy in aging; derivations and directions of public policy, interrelationships of agencies; discussion of selected programs and services for the aged.

4800. The Social Context of Aging: Global Perspectives. 3 hours. Analysis of the aging experience in a global context, historically and currently. Topics include perceptions of aging, definition of need in old age, and models for delivering health and social services to older persons.

4840-4850. Studies in Aging Field Practicum. 3 hours each. Field practicum (12 hours per week) in an agency or institution delivering services to the elderly; 170 clock hours in field. Prerequisite(s): senior standing in the applied gerontology program and completion of AGER 3480, 4550 and 4780.

4900. Special Problems. 1-3 hours.

4960. Studies in Aging Institute. 1-3 hours. Selected topics are developed in an institute format and are regularly scheduled. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

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