Department of Mathematics

Main Departmental Office
General Academic Building, 418
P.O. Box 311430
Denton, TX 76203-1430
(940) 565-2155
Fax: (940) 565-4805
Web site:

Neal Brand, Chair


Professors Brand, Jackson, Kallman, Kung, Lewis, Mauldin, Neuberger, Urbanski, Warchall, Zamboni. Associate Professors Allen, Anghel, Bator, Brozovic, Douglass, Hagan, Iaia, Liu, Monticino. Assistant Professors Allaart, Cherry, Clark, Conley, Donley, Gao, Quintanilla, Richter, Shepler.


The department offers programs of study leading to the BA, BS, MA, MS and PhD degrees with a major in mathematics. Its faculty is dedicated to excellence in scholarship and teaching. The faculty supports a strong program of instruction and research, having as its core a solid foundation of mathematical theory that furnishes the tools necessary to address and solve crucial problems in maintaining, improving and protecting the world. The program also promulgates mathematics as a discipline in its own right, a body of pure knowledge with exceptional power, enabling its practitioners and those who diligently study it to be adaptable and effective forces in the workplace.

Students who earn degrees in mathematics readily obtain jobs with high-technology companies and in business, industry, government and teaching. Salaries and working conditions compare with those of engineers and scientists.

Students who plan to major in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology or computer science should have had four years of mathematics in high school, including pre-calculus. Students who are required to take mathematics as part of their degree program in college should have had at least two years of algebra and one year of geometry in high school.

Required Placement and Testing

The Department of Mathematics enforces prerequisites for MATH 1100, 1190, 1400, 1650, 1680 and 2090. Students not meeting prerequisites for courses in which they enroll will be at risk of being administratively dropped from their mathematics classes.

Students who have had no mathematics courses at UNT must obtain a UNT mathematics department permit form before registering for a mathematics course.

Students who have not successfully completed either MATH 1010 from UNT or a transfer course at the level of college algebra or above will be asked to take a placement exam.

Students who have successfully completed a course at the level of college algebra or above will be asked on the first day of class to provide proof in the form of:

a. a grade report, transcript, or Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) printout reflecting the transfer course,

b. an AP or CLEP score report, or

c. a UNT mathematics department permit form.


Permit Forms

UNT mathematics department permit forms may be obtained in advance of, or during, the first week of classes from the Department of Mathematics during regular office hours.

Programs of Study

The department offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the following areas:

Bachelor of Arts (html)
Bachelor of Arts (pdf)

Degree Requirements

1. Hours Required and General/College Requirements: A minimum of 128 semester hours, of which 42 must be advanced, and fulfillment of degree requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree as specified in the "General University Requirements " in the Academics section of this catalog and the College of Arts and Sciences requirements.

2. Major Requirements: 34 hours of mathematics courses as follow: MATH 1710, 1720, 2510, 2520, 2700, 2730, 3510 and 4610, plus 9 hours numbered above 3150.

3. Other Course Requirements: Four laboratory science courses are required. Two of these must be either BIOL 1710/1730 and 1720/1740 or GEOG 1710 and GEOL 1610. The other two courses must be either PHYS 1710/1730 and 2220/2240 or CHEM 1410/1430 and 1420/1440.

Proficiency in a foreign language equivalent to 2050 is required. It is recommended that the required foreign language be German, French, Russian or Spanish. Students wishing to take some other language must consult the chair of the Department of Mathematics.

4. Minor Requirements: A minor of at least 18 hours (6 advanced).

5. Electives: See four-year plan.

6. Other Requirements: Bachelor's degree candidates in mathematics must present at least a 2.0 grade point average on all mathematics courses above 3150.

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (html)
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (pdf)

Degree Requirements

1. Hours Required and General/College Requirements: A minimum of 128 semester hours, of which 42 must be advanced, and fulfillment of degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree as specified in the "General University Requirements " in the Academics section of this catalog and the College of Arts and Sciences requirements.

2. Major Requirements: 40 hours of math courses as follow: MATH 1710, 1720, 2510, 2520, 2700, 2730, 3410, 3510 and 4500, plus 12 hours numbered above 3150.

3. Other Course Requirements: Four laboratory science courses are required. Two of these must be either BIOL 1710/1730 and 1720/1740, or GEOG 1710 and GEOL 1610. The other two courses must be either PHYS 1710/1730 and 2220/2240, or CHEM 1410/1430 and 1420/1440.

Proficiency in a foreign language equivalent to 2050 is required. It is recommended that the required foreign language be German, French, Russian or Spanish. Students who wish to use another language must consult the chair of the Department of Mathematics.

4. Minor Requirements: A minor of 18 hours (6 advanced) in one of the following areas of study: biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, physics or engineering technology.

5. Other Requirements: Bachelor's degree candidates in mathematics must present at least a 2.0 grade point average on all mathematics courses above 3150.

6. Electives: See four-year plan.

See the undergraduate adviser for a degree plan during the first year of study at UNT.

Students taking mathematics courses at the 2000-level or above are expected to be competent in computer programming, using languages such as BASIC, C, C++, Fortran, or PASCAL. This competency can be obtained through completion of CSCI 1110.

Minor in Mathematics

Students planning to minor in mathematics should consult the chair of the mathematics department. A minor consists of at least 18 hours and usually includes MATH 1710, 1720, 1780 or 2700, and 2730 or 2770, plus 6 advanced hours. MATH 3130, 3140, and 3150 may not be included in the minor, except for elementary education majors.

Teacher Certification

Teacher certification requirements were under review by the State Board for Educator Certification at the time this catalog went to press. Contact your undergraduate adviser and the Department of Teacher Education and Administration for current information.

Graduate Degrees

The department offers degree programs leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. For information, consult the Graduate Catalog.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

The department administers four scholarship funds: the E.H. Hanson Scholarship, the Roger L. Perry Memorial Scholarship, the Mildred Masters McCarty Scholarship and the John Ed Allen Scholarship. Jobs as tutors and graders also are available for mathematics majors. Contact the mathematics department office for information and application forms.

Courses of Instruction

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

Course and Subject Guide

The "Course and Subject Guide," found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

Major in Mathematics

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see their adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment. Students are responsible for meeting all course prerequisites. *See the University Core Curriculum section of this catalog for approved list of course options. ** See Arts and Sciences degree requirements section of this catalog for approved list of course options.

BA with a Major in Mathematics (html)
BA with a Major in Mathematics (pdf)



ENGL 1310, College Writing I* 3
LANG 2040, Foreign Language (intermediate, see major requirements)** 3
MATH 1710, Calculus I 4
Natural/Life Sciences (see major requirements)** 4
Social and Behavioral Sciences* 3
Total 17



ENGL 1320, College Writing II* 3
LANG 2050, Foreign Language (intermediate, see major requirements)** 3
MATH 1720, Calculus II 3
Natural/Life Sciences (see major requirements)** 4
Communication** 3
Total 16



MATH 2510, Real Analysis I 3
MATH 2730, Multivariable Calculus 3
PSCI 1040, American Government* 3
Humanities* 3
Physical Science (see major requirements)** 4
Total 16



HIST 2610, United States History to 1865* 3
MATH 3510, Introduction to Abstract Algebra 3
MATH (above 3150) 3
Minor 3
Minor (advanced) 3
Total 15



MATH 4610, Probability 3
Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies* 3
Minor (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Total 18



MATH 2520, Real Analysis II 3
MATH 2700, Linear Algebra and Vector Geometry 3
PSCI 1050, American Government* 3
Physical Science (see major requirements) 4
Visual and Performing Arts* 3
Total 16



HIST 2620, United States History Since 1865* 3
MATH (above 3150) 3
Literature** 3
Minor 3
Minor (advanced) 3
Total 15



MATH (above 3150) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Minor (advanced) 3
Wellness* 3
Total 15
Actual degree plans may vary depending on availability of courses in a given semester. Some courses may require prerequisites not listed. Students may wish to use opportunities for electives to complete a minor of their choice or secondar education courses for teacher certification.

BS in Mathematics

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see their adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment. Students are responsible for meeting all course prerequisites. *See the University Core Curriculum section of this catalog for approved list of course options. ** See Arts and Sciences degree requirements section of this catalog for approved list of course options.

BS in Mathematics (html)
BS in Mathematics (pdf)



ENGL 1310, College Writing I* 3
LANG 2040, Foreign Language
(intermediate, see major requirements)** 3
MATH 1710, Calculus I 4
Natural/Life Sciences (see major requirements)* 4
Social and Behavioral Sciences* 3
Total 17



MATH 2510, Real Analysis I 3
MATH 2730, Multivariable Calculus 3
PSCI 1040, American Government* 3
Humanities* 3
Physical Science (see major requirements)** 4
Total 16



ENGL 1320, College Writing II* 3
LANG 2050, Foreign Language
(intermediate, see major requirements)** 3
MATH 1720, Calculus II 3
Communications** 3
Natural/Life Sciences (see major requirements)* 4
Total 16



MATH 2520, Real Analysis II 3
MATH 2700, Linear Algebra and Vector Geometry 3
PSCI 1050, American Government* 3
Physical Sciences (see major requirements) 4
Visual and Performing Arts* 3
Total 15



HIST 2610, United States History to 1865* 3
MATH 3510, Introduction to Abstract Algebra 3
MATH (above 3150) 3
Minor (advanced) 3
Minor 3
Total 15



MATH (above 3150) 3
MATH (above 3150) 3
Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies* 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Minor (advanced) 3
Total 15


HIST 2620, United States History Since 1865* 3
MATH 3410, Differential Equations I 3
MATH 4500, Introduction to Topology 3
Literature** 3
Minor 3
Minor (advanced) 3
Total 18



MATH (above 3150) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective 2
Minor (advanced) 3
Wellness* 3
Total 17
Actual degree plans may vary depending on availability of courses in a given semester. Some courses may require prerequisites not listed. Students may wish to use opportunities for electives to complete a minor of their choice or secondar education courses for teacher certification.

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