

The general policies of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies are determined by the Graduate Council and administered by the dean.

Standards, fees and other requirements may be modified at any time by the Graduate Council.

Academic Misconduct

Cheating and plagiarism are types of academic misconduct for which penalties are described and assessed under the UNT "Code of Student Conduct and Discipline," which is published in the Undergraduate Catalog and also is available on the UNT Web site at www.unt.edu/untsupport.html as part of the Student Guide. The following statement on academic misconduct, adopted by the Graduate Council, is based on the "Code of Student Conduct and Discipline."

The term "cheating" includes, but is not limited to, (1) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests or examinations; (2) dependence upon the aid of sources specifically prohibited by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems or carrying out other assignments; (3) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a faculty or staff member of the university.

The term "plagiarism" includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. Plagiarism also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.

Specific penalties can be assigned by a faculty member for certain cases of academic misconduct (including cheating and plagiarism). These penalties include: giving a failing grade for the test or assignment; reducing or changing the grade for the test, assignment or course; requiring additional academic work not required of other students; assigning a failing grade in the course. Other specific penalties can be recommended by a faculty member to the appropriate administrative/academic authority, including denying of the degree, expulsion from the university or revocation of a degree already granted.

All graduate students are responsible for making themselves aware of the definitions and implications of academic misconduct. For further information on academic misconduct, penalties and appeal procedures, the student should refer to the "Code of Student Conduct and Discipline."

Appeal Processes

Students who believe they have not been fairly treated in any aspect of their graduate program have the right of appeal. Grade appeals should be initiated through the instructor. Appeals concerning extension of time to complete a degree should be initiated through the student's major department. Appeals concerning admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies are initiated through the office of the graduate dean. Appeals concerning admission to a particular degree program should be initiated through the student's major department. Appeals regarding specific requirements to complete a degree should be initiated through the student's major department. All other appeals should be initiated through the office of the graduate dean.

The following process applies to grade appeals. Admission decision, time extension appeals will be handled in a different manner. Information about these processes should be sought from either the student's department or the office of the graduate dean.

Grade Appeal Process

1. Any graduate student who believes a grade has been inequitably awarded should first contact the instructor who awarded the grade to discuss the issue and attempt to resolve the differences. Any instructor no longer associated with UNT at the time of the appeal will be represented in these proceedings by the chair of the department in question. In schools and colleges not organized into departments, the dean, or his designated representative, will act as chair. The student who is unable to resolve the differences with the instructor has 30 days following the first class day of the succeeding semester to file a written appeal with the chair of the instructor's department, or of the equivalent administrative unit.

2. The chair may follow any of the four procedures below, or a combination of them.

a. The chair may confer with the instructor.

b. The chair may request that the instructor submit a written reply to the student's complaint.

c. The chair may conduct a meeting of the two parties.

d. The chair may refer the case directly to the appropriate departmental committee, as outlined below.

In following either procedure a, b or c above, the chair should make a judgment on the merits of the case and recommend a specific action in regard to the disputed grade. Either the student or the instructor may appeal the recommendations of the chair.

3. The appropriate departmental committee to hear cases sent directly to it by the chair or appealed to it by either the student or the instructor shall be constituted as follows and shall perform the following duties.

a. It shall be an ad hoc committee consisting of three faculty members. Two of the members will be chosen from the department in which the grade is being questioned, one by the student and the other by the instructor. If either party to the dispute declines to choose a member of the committee, the department chair will select that member. The third faculty member of the committee, who shall serve as chair, will be chosen either from within or without the department by agreement of the student and the instructor. If they cannot agree upon a third member, the member shall be chosen by the chair of the department, with the provision that the student and the instructor may agree to stipulate that the third member of the committee be chosen from a related department or academic administrative unit rather than from the department in question.

b. This ad hoc committee should require written statements from each participant in the dispute. Judgments may be rendered upon the basis of these statements, upon other evidence submitted in support of the statements and upon the basis of oral hearing, if such a hearing seems necessary.

c. The committee must make a recommendation for disposition of the case within 30 days of its appointment.

d. All records in the case will be filed with the chair of the department in which the grade was originally awarded.

4. Either party to the dispute has 15 days following the rendering of the ad hoc committee recommendation to appeal that recommendation to the dean of the graduate school, if the appeal is based solely upon alleged violations of established procedures. Substantive matters, up to and including the refusal of the instructor to act in accordance with the ad hoc committee's recommendation or the student's refusal to accept the verdict, may not be appealed to the graduate dean.

5. The dean of the graduate school shall, after a review of the submitted written materials (and oral hearings if desired), make within 15 days a ruling about procedural questions. The ruling may be appealed by either the student or the instructor to the Appeals Committee of the graduate school.

a. The Appeals Committee will have 30 days from the date of its appointment to complete its work.

b. The Appeals Committee shall operate within the guidelines set out for departmental ad hoc committees in 3b above.

c. All rulings made by the Appeals Committee regarding procedural questions shall be final.

d. All documents related to the case shall be returned to the chair of the originating department for departmental files.

General Policies

Changes of Address

It is the responsibility of the student to provide correct permanent and local mailing address information at all times and on all documents at the university. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the "Code of Student Conduct and Discipline." Students who change their mailing address must notify the Registrar's Office, at (940) 565-2111, and the Office of the Dean of Students immediately.

Identification Card Regulations

The identification card is distributed during registration after all fees have been paid. The card entitles the bearer to student admission to athletic events, University Program Council entertainment, Fine Arts Series programs, dances, movies, general access computer laboratories and the University Health Center. It provides identification at the libraries for checking out materials, at the University Union for check cashing and at Recreational Sports and the UNT Health Center for use of these facilities. The ID card also serves as the ID Plus (debit) Card and meal card for those students with meal plans. As the student's official university identification, it must be presented to any UNT official upon request. Each enrolled UNT student with a valid ID card is eligible to receive one complimentary catalog per year beginning July 1.

Lost ID cards may be replaced for a $10 charge in the ID Systems Office of Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services (formerly Bursar's Office) located in the Eagle Student Services Center, first floor. Misplaced ID cards that have been turned in are held in the ID Systems Office located in Stovall Hall. Students are asked to retain their ID cards, even though they may not be enrolled. The cards are reactivated upon subsequent enrollment.

Fraudulent use of the ID card subjects the user to a fine of $2,000 and up to one year in jail (Class A Misdemeanor). Anyone who uses the ID card to give false information to a police officer is subject to a fine of $200 (Class C Misdemeanor).

Liability for Personal Loss

The university is not responsible for and does not assume any liability for loss of or damage to personal property. Students are encouraged to obtain personal insurance coverage for loss or damage to possessions on campus.

Motor Vehicle Regulations

Persons who operate motor vehicles and bicycles on the UNT campus must comply with the Texas Uniform Traffic Code and the published university regulations regarding vehicle and bicycle use, parking, display of decals and penalties for violation. The regulations are available at the University Police Department in Sullivant Visitor Center and are distributed to all students during enrollment.

Severe Weather Dismissals

Because of conditions prevailing during periods of severe weather, a policy was adopted regarding university operation during such times. This policy pertains to all university classes, in Denton as well as at the Universities Center at Dallas and at off-campus locations, unless exceptions are noted specifically in the announcements to the news media. The current policy may be found in the Schedule of Classes.

Student Guide

Policies and regulations governing students are explained or recorded in full in the Student Guide, available on the university's Web site (www.unt.edu/untsupport.html). The guidebook also deals with other applicable state, local and university policies, student services and programs. The student is responsible for knowing and abiding by these policies.


In the event a student's conduct or behavior is found to be in violation of a published policy or regulation, a summons may be issued. A summons is an official request that the student appear before a university administrator. A student who receives a summons should always consider it important and should respond immediately. Failure to answer a summons can result in disciplinary action up to and including withdrawal from the university.

Other Policies in Print

Additional policies and guidelines pertaining to particular subjects or for specific publics are listed in other publications, such as the ABCs of Residence Hall Living, available in the Housing and Residence Life Office; Tuition, Fees and Other Charges, available at Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services (formerly Bursar's Office), Parking Regulations, available from the Parking Office and the UNT Bookstore in the University Union; The Financial Connection, available in the Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, etc. International students should consult the International Admissions and Advising Center for information regarding policies and procedures required by federal regulation agencies.

Other policies may be found in the Code of Student Conduct and Discipline, which is published in the Undergraduate Catalog. The code is also available on the UNT Web site (www.unt.edu/untsupport.html) as part of the Student Guide.

All university policies are subject to change throughout the year.

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