
Admission Application

Click here for an application in PDF format. Application is made through the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies.

Admission Application Fee

All applicants to the University of North Texas Toulouse School of Graduate Studies must pay a $25 (U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens) or $50 (all others, i.e., international students) non-refundable admission application fee. The fee must be paid in U.S. dollars.

Admission Deadlines

All applicants to programs in the Department of Computer Sciences, Department of Counseling, Development and Higher Education, Department of Psychology and Department of Rehabilitation Studies, Social Work and Addictions should refer to departmental information in this catalog for admission deadlines.

The following are deadlines for submission of complete application materials for all students seeking on-time registration except those applying for admission to programs in the Department of Computer Sciences, Department of Counseling, Development and Higher Education, Department of Psychology and Department of Rehabilitation Studies, Social Work and Addictions.

Students who submit applications after these dates, if accepted, will have to register during the late registration period and pay a late registration fee.

Requirements for Admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies

General Admission Requirements

Applications for graduate studies are made through the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies, regardless of degree program.

All applicants for admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies must meet the following requirements, whether or not admission to a specific degree program is sought.

1. The applicant must hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent from a regionally accredited institution.

2. Specific grade point average (GPA) requirements for certification-only, non-degree and degree-
seeking students follow. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted (A equals four grade points, B equals three, C equals two, D equals one, F equals zero).

a. Non-Degree and Certification-Only Students. The applicant must have at least a 3.0 GPA on the last 60 undergraduate semester hours of work prior to receiving the bachelor's degree or a 2.8 GPA on all undergraduate work to receive unconditional admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. Applicants who already have completed a master's degree must have at least a 3.4 GPA on the master's or meet the undergraduate GPA standards just listed to be admitted unconditionally.

Applicants with a GPA between 2.4 and 3.0 on the last 60 undergraduate semester hours prior to receiving the bachelor's degree, or a GPA between 3.0 and 3.4 on a completed master's degree, may be eligible for admission. To be considered for eligibility, applicants must score an additional 50 points above the minimum 800 GRE score for each tenth of a point that their GPA falls below the minimum 3.0 or 3.4 requirement.

Applicants with a GPA below 2.4 on the last 60 semester hours or below 3.0 on a completed master's degree are not eligible for admission to graduate study.

Non-degree and certification-only students who meet the minimum GPA requirements for admission to graduate studies are not required to submit scores for the Graduate Record Examination.

b. Degree-Seeking Students. The applicant must have at least a 3.0 GPA on the last 60 undergraduate semester hours of work prior to receiving the bachelor's degree or a 2.8 GPA on all undergraduate work to be considered for unconditional admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies for master's study. A minimum combined verbal and quantitative score of 800 on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is also required for unconditional admission to the School of Graduate Studies for study at the master's level. Applicants who have already completed a master's degree must have at least a 3.4 GPA or meet the undergraduate GPA standards just listed to be admitted unconditionally for doctoral study. A minimum combined verbal and quantitative score of 1000 on the GRE is also required for unconditional admission to the School of Graduate Studies for study at the doctoral level. Requirements for admission to specific degree programs may differ from the minimum requirements for admission to the School of Graduate Studies. Specific requirements for admission to a degree program may be found in the appropriate departmental section of the Graduate Catalog. Admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies does not imply admission to a degree program.

Applicants with a GPA between 2.4 and 3.0 on the last 60 undergraduate semester hours prior to receiving the bachelor's degree may apply to the School of Graduate Studies for consideration for admission to a master's degree program if the GRE score exceeds the 800 minimum by 50 points for each tenth of a point that their GPA is below the minimum 3.0. Applicants with a GPA between 3.0 and 3.4 on a completed master's degree may be to the School of Graduate Studies for consideration for admission to a doctoral degree program if the GRE score exceeds the 1000 minimum by 50 points for each tenth of a point that their GPA is below the minimum 3.4 overall GPA.

Applicants with a GPA below 2.4 on the last 60 semester hours prior to receiving the bachelor's degree or below 3.0 on a completed master's degree are not eligible for admission to graduate study.

3. All students seeking a graduate degree are required to take either the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). Specific requirements are listed later in this section.

4. The applicant may be required to take entrance examinations, either oral, written or both, before admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies is granted.

5. The university requires any applicant from a foreign country to demonstrate satisfactory proficiency in oral and written English prior to being granted admission. Prospective applicants should inquire at the nearest American Embassy, Consulate or Information Center to arrange for whatever language examination may be required.

6. To be considered for admission, the applicant should file the following official credentials with the dean of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies:

a. complete official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended,

b. an application for admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies,

c. official scores from the Educational Testing Service on the required entrance test (see below), and

d. the application fee.

The mailing address for the University of North Texas Toulouse School of Graduate Studies is P.O. Box 305459, Denton, TX 76203-5459.

7. An applicant who has attempted graduate work at another institution within the six-year period immediately prior to first enrollment in the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies of UNT, but who has not received a graduate degree, will be required to make up any grade point deficiency below a B average either at the institution at which graduate work was attempted or at UNT. (See "Time Limitations" in the Master's Degree Requirements section for details concerning validity of previous graduate work.)

8. Admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies does not imply admission to candidacy for a graduate degree.

9. Applicants for admission are furnished written notification of their admission status by the dean of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. Statements by other university officers concerning the applicant's admissibility are not valid until confirmed by the dean in writing.

10. Students who hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution and who wish to pursue further study at the undergraduate level or to obtain a second bachelor's degree must apply for admission to the university through the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies.

Other Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting the general requirements stated above, applicants for admission to any specific degree program also must meet the following requirements.

1. The applicant for graduate study ordinarily must have completed no fewer than 24 semester hours of undergraduate work in the intended major field, 12 of which must be advanced. In certain fields this requirement has been modified. (Refer to departmental requirements.)

2. An applicant desiring to pursue graduate work in any field and whose undergraduate record does not show completion of the courses prerequisite to this major will be required to make up such deficiencies in a manner prescribed by the student's major department.

3. Students wishing to change from one major field to another must make application in the office of the graduate dean and must meet all specific program admission requirements for the new major.

Required Graduate Record Examination or Graduate Management Admissions Test

All students seeking a graduate degree are required to take either the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). Only official score reports from the Educational Testing Service are acceptable. For specific advanced test requirements in certain fields, consult subsequent sections of this catalog that describe individual programs.

Students must meet the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies minimum test requirements as well as the minimum for the particular program to which they are applying. The specific admission test required and deadlines for submission of results follow.

1. College of Business Administration. Students applying for admission to begin graduate work leading to the master's degree in the College of Business Administration must submit a minimum combined score of 450 on the GMAT. A minimum 25 percentile score must be achieved on the verbal section of the GMAT, except for the Department of Business Computer Information Systems which requires a 40 percentile score on both the verbal and quantitative sections. Students applying for admission to a doctoral-level program in the College of Business Administration must submit a minimum combined verbal and quantitative total score of 550 on the GMAT. The same minimum percentile scores listed above also apply to those seeking admission to a doctoral-level program in the College of Business Administration.

2. All Other Students. For master's degree-seeking students, other than those applying to the College of Business Administration, a score of 800 or more (depending on the degree program admission requirements) on the GRE must be submitted prior to or during the first semester of study in any of the master's degree programs offered by the university. A score of 1000 or more (depending on the degree program admission requirements) must be submitted prior to or during the first semester of study in any of the doctoral degree programs offered by the university. Some departments require the submission of satisfactory scores prior to admission and beginning course work. Check the appropriate department section of this catalog for further information.

Until the admission test requirement is met, the graduate student is granted provisional admission only. If the test requirement is not met by the end of the first semester of enrollment, provisional admission will be canceled and the student will thereafter be limited to taking undergraduate courses for undergraduate credit only. The student can be reinstated to graduate study and to full admission status to the graduate degree program when the test requirement for admission to the degree program has been met.

The following procedures govern provisionally admitted students who have not taken the GRE.

1. Students provisionally admitted to a degree program in the fall or spring semester without the GRE must submit acceptable GRE scores prior to the completion of their first semester of enrollment. (Consult the GRE information bulletin for GRE registration information.) Early registration for subsequent semesters will not be permitted if acceptable GRE score are not received from the Educational Testing Service prior to early registration. Regular registration for subsequent semesters also will be blocked unless the GRE provision is met.

2. Students provisionally admitted to a degree program in the summer without the GRE must submit acceptable GRE scores prior to the completion of the fall semester. Early registration for the spring semester will not be permitted if acceptable GRE scores are not received from the Educational Testing Service prior to early registration. Regular registration for the spring semester also will be blocked unless the GRE provision is met.

In no case may the student who has not met the GRE or GMAT requirements (a) be admitted to candidacy for any degree, (b) file application to receive such degree, or (c) be permitted to enroll in such courses as thesis, dissertation, problem in lieu of thesis, internship, practicum, etc.

An appeal may be filed through the major department to the graduate dean to consider a GRE/GMAT score lower than the minimum required by the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies.

Admission of Continuing Students

A continuing student is defined as a student who enrolls one time during four consecutive semesters (example: enrolls summer I 1998; no enrollment summer II 1999, fall 1999 or spring 2000; re-enrolls summer I 2000).

Continuing students do not need to reapply to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies to enroll if they meet all of the following conditions:

1. have not received a degree from UNT since last enrollment,

2. will re-enroll in the same major as when last enrolled, and

3. do not have any current blocks on their record, i.e., GRE or academic.

Students meeting all of these conditions are eligible for telephone registration during early registration or regular registration. Instructions are available in the Schedule of Classes.

Students who are unsure about whether they meet all of the above conditions for re-enrollment should contact the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies prior to the registration period for further information.

Readmission of Graduate Students

Students who previously have been admitted to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies but who have not enrolled here once during the last four consecutive semesters (i.e., fall, spring, summer I and summer II) must follow these re-enrollment procedures:

1. file an admission application,

2. the application fee, and

3. submit transcripts from all colleges attended (if any) since leaving UNT, showing eligibility to re-enroll at each institution.

Former students who have not enrolled elsewhere since leaving UNT and who are in good academic standing are required to submit an admission application and application fee.

Preliminary Admission of Seniors to Graduate Study

Seniors within 12 semester hours of graduation may apply to the graduate dean for permission to take courses to be applied toward the master's degree, provided that at the time of application they appear to be eligible for admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies and that the specific courses are approved by the dean in advance of registration. A student in this status may not enroll for a load exceeding the maximum permitted for graduate students. Preliminary admission of seniors to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies remains provisional for up to a maximum of two semesters. If the student has not completed the bachelor's degree during this period, provisional admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies will be canceled. When the bachelor's degree has been awarded, the applicant's undergraduate record will be examined to determine eligibility for graduate study.

Courses Taken for Doctoral Credit by Master's Degree Students

Students completing the master's degree at UNT who plan to continue work toward the doctorate are required to submit application for readmission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies in doctoral status. Those who wish to begin taking courses to be credited on the doctorate prior to receiving the master's degree must declare this intention in the office of the graduate dean at the time of registra
tion in such status so that doctoral work may receive proper credit. Final acceptance of such work will not be granted until the student has secured full admission to a specific doctoral program of study.

Requirements for a Second Bachelor's Degree

To be eligible for a second bachelor's degree, a student must earn a minimum of 31 semester hours, including 12 advanced hours above the number specified for the degree requiring the greater number of hours, and must meet all catalog requirements for the second degree. Twelve hours of advanced courses must be taken in a field different from the major for the first bachelor's degree. Students who hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution and who wish to obtain a second bachelor's degree must meet the same standards and apply for admission as graduate students in the same manner outlined previously in this section.

Admission to Non-Degree Status

The university recognizes that some students may wish to be admitted to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies for the purpose of taking courses not necessarily leading to an advanced degree (i.e. certification). Admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies will be granted subject to the following provisions.

1. The applicant must meet all of the general admission requirements described above.

2. The student in this status is required to receive graduate credit in all senior (4000) and graduate (5000 and 6000) courses taken, and must maintain an average of B on all such courses attempted. Non-degree students are entitled to enroll in any graduate-level class that is not restricted.

3. A student admitted to non-degree or certification-only status has no assurance that work completed under this status will be applicable toward degree requirements should he or she subsequently be admitted to a degree program at UNT. A maximum of 12 semester hours earned prior to admission to a degree program may be counted toward degree requirements. Successful completion of graduate courses by non-degree or certification-only students does not obligate the university to grant admission to a degree program at a later date. When all general and specific requirements for admission to a degree program have been met, a student may request that a change of major application be forwarded to the degree program area for evaluation.

4. A student who wishes to change from non-degree or certification-only status to degree status must have satisfactory GRE/GMAT scores on file in the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies at the time the application is submitted. In other words, students will not be allowed to change from non-degree or certification-only status to degree status without having a satisfactory GRE/GMAT score at the time they apply for admission to a degree program.

5. International students are not eligible to apply for admission to non-degree status.

6. Enrollment for graduate credit in courses in the College of Business Administration is open

only to students who have completed the admission process and have been formally accepted into an MBA/MS/PhD program in business administration or another University of North Texas graduate degree program.

Admission Requirements for Students Who Change Major

For students who wish to change from one major to another major at UNT, a change of major form must be filed in the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. No change of major will be accepted until the student has met the GRE or GMAT requirement for the intended major. The applicant will go through the same admission process as any new student applying for admission to a UNT graduate program. The student's file will be sent for approval to the graduate adviser in the proposed major.

Conditional Admission of Students with Low Grade Point Average

For students who wish to pursue a graduate-level degree in any area of the university (except the College of Business Administration), but who do not meet the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies grade point average (GPA) entrance requirements, the following regulations apply.

1. The student can complete a 15-hour program of 3000- or 4000-level courses for undergraduate credit beyond the bachelor's degree to demonstrate the ability to undertake graduate-level work. Specific courses are chosen in consultation with the graduate adviser of the intended major department and are approved by the graduate dean. A grade of A or B is required in each course. Courses taken at another institution will only be included in the 15 hours in exceptional cases with the approval of the intended major department and the graduate dean. Courses taken to qualify for admission cannot be used to fulfill graduate degree requirements.

2. The student must complete the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and achieve a satisfactory score specified by the intended major department prior to being admitted to a graduate degree program and beginning graduate-level work. For students desiring admission to a degree in the School of Library and Information Sciences, the satisfactory GRE score must be submitted prior to beginning the 15-hour program.

For students seeking admission to a master's degree program in the College of Business Administration who are unable to meet the grade point entrance requirement of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies and the entrance requirements of the College of Business Administration, the following regulations apply.

1. The student must achieve a minimum score on the GMAT of 450 with at least a score in the 25th percentile on the verbal portion of the test. The GMAT must have been taken within the last five years.

2. The student must not have been in a degree program for at least five years prior to the time admission is sought.

3. The student must have completed the undergraduate business core (or equivalents) including MATH 1190, ECON 1100 and 1110, ACCT 2010 and 2020, BCIS 2610 and 3610, MSCI 3700 and 3710, MGMT 3820, MKTG 3650, FINA 3770, and BLAW 3430.

4. The student must complete 36 hours of additional undergraduate course work at UNT beyond the undergraduate business core. The specific courses to be taken will be determined by the master's adviser from the department of the student's intended major with the following restrictions:

a. no more than 12 semester hours may be taken outside the College of Business Administration;

b. no more than 24 hours may be taken in a major field;

c. all hours must be completed with a grade of C or better; and

d. the student will be dropped from the program for unsatisfactory progress when he or she has received three Cs or two grades below a C in any course work taken at UNT. For purposes of this rule, the first grade received in a course will be counted.

5. Upon completion of the qualifying program, a student may apply for admission to a master's program in the College of Business Administration. When an application and GMAT score are received, the GPA for the master's qualifying program will be used in the admissions formula utilized by the College of Business Administration.

Academic Fresh Start

For students who were admitted to a Texas public university under the Academic Fresh Start law, earned a baccalaureate degree, and desire to apply for admission to a postgraduate or professional program, the graduate school will consider only the grade point average of the applicant that was completed after enrollment under this law, along with the other standard admissions criteria detailed in this catalog.

Admission Requirements for International Students

Applicants who are not U.S. citizens should apply for admission by submitting a completed International Student Application for Admission. This form allows students to apply for admission to five different programs of study:

Admission with no Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores required:

1. Intensive English Language Institute only.

2. Dual admission (IELI and UNT undergraduate).

3. IELI and graduate (graduate application processed after completion of IELI).

Admission with TOEFL scores required:

4. UNT undergraduate.

5. UNT graduate.

UNT applicants should apply at least eight months before the anticipated enrollment date, and should arrange to have test scores and transcripts in the International Admissions and Advising Center at least 60 days before the enrollment date. If transferring from a college or university, they must meet all normal UNT transfer admission requirements. Specific requirements are detailed below.

UNT will not issue immigration documents for student visas until all admission credentials and financial support documents have been received and approved. For more information, see the International Student Information booklet available from the International Admissions and Advising Center, Kendall Hall, Room 171. A $50 (U.S. dollars) application fee is required each for IELI applicants and for UNT applicants. Application for both IELI and UNT, therefore, requires a $100 fee. Applications will not be processed if the non-refundable fee is not submitted with the International Student Application for Admission form.

Application forms may be requested by e-mail ( or through the Web site (

Applicants who are graduates of foreign colleges or universities must present the following entrance papers:

1. application for admission to UNT, accompanied by $50 application fee;

2. official forms showing a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language, or evidence of successful completion of a noncredit intensive course in English from the UNT Intensive English Language Institute (some departments require a higher score);

3. official transcripts from each college or university attended, with official English translation;

4. proof of financial resources available, filed with application for admission;

5. transfer credit from foreign universities: the amount of such credit that can be applied to a degree earned at UNT will be determined by the graduate dean on recommendation of the student's advisory committee and major department or division; recognition by UNT of graduate credit earned elsewhere does not imply that degree credit will be allowed automatically;

6. English screening examination: all international students and non-exempt permanent residents whose native language is not English are required to take the UNT English Language Proficiency Screening Test after arrival at UNT and prior to registering for classes. Information about test dates, times and locations is available from the International Admissions and Advising Center.

Exemptions from this test are made only for students who hold a bachelor's or graduate degree from an accredited U.S. college or university, or have completed four years of study at an accredited U.S. four-year secondary school. This screening test requirement is not eliminated by TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores or scores on other standardized tests (i.e., GRE or GMAT), by English classes taken at other institutions, or by completion of an intensive English program at another institution.

Students may take the screening test only one time for the semester of admission. Students may not retake the test later to try to get better results or to try to eliminate the requirement for English language classes mandated by the test.

A student's performance on the UNT English Language Proficiency Screening Test determines the student's eligibility for (1) full-time UNT graduate study, (2) part-time UNT graduate study and part-time noncredit English as a Second Language (ESL) course work, or (3) full-time ESL course work (requiring additional fees). If ESL courses are required, they must be taken during the semester the screening test is taken. Required ESL courses may not be postponed and must receive first priority in the student's course scheduling. Students who do not successfully complete the required ESL course work during the first semester of enrollment will have restricted course registration or be blocked from further enrollment in the university.

International students transferring from universities in the United States must present the following credentials:

a. application for admission, accompanied by $50 application fee;

b. official forms showing a minimum score of 550 on Test of English as a Foreign Language, or evidence of successful completion of a noncredit intensive course in English from the UNT Intensive English Language Institute (some departments require a higher score);

c. English screening examination (see number 6 above);

d. official transcripts from each college or university attended, with official English translation for any from foreign universities; and

e. proof of financial resources available, filed with application for admission.

Graduate Preparation Course

Applicants who are non-native speakers of English may be eligible for the Graduate Preparation Course (GPC) as a substitute for the verbal score of the GRE. Acceptance of the GPC as a GRE verbal score substitute is entirely at the option of an academic unit. The graduate school maintains a list of academic areas that have opted to accept the GPC substitute for the GRE verbal score. Prior to enrolling in the GPC, applicants should contact the academic unit or the graduate school to determine whether the academic unit accepts GPC students. Written authorization from the academic unit is required prior to enrolling in the GPC.

The GPC is an intensive semester-long course of advanced English-language skills conducted by the UNT Intensive English Language Institute (IELI). Applicants eligible for the GPC must have successfully completed level six of the IELI or have achieved a minimum score of 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Each GPC applicant must also complete a graduate level course at UNT in the applicant's selected major area and submit a grade of B or better. Applicants successfully completing the GPC will receive a waiver of the verbal GRE score, but must complete all other admission requirements of the graduate school and the academic unit.

Admission or Re-enrollment as Related to Personal Conduct and Admission Falsification

It is the responsibility of the director of admissions to refer to the dean of students any application for admission or re-enrollment which indicates possible ineligibility of the applicant on grounds involving personal conduct. The potential of the applicant to benefit from university attendance, as well as the welfare and safety of the student body and of the university will be carefully considered before permission to enroll will be granted.

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