UNT Undergraduate Catalog
Department of English

Main Departmental Office
Auditorium Building, 112
P.O. Box 311307
Denton, TX 76203-1307
(940) 565-2050
Fax: (940) 565-4355

Undergraduate Advising Office
Auditorium Building, 114

Robert Stevens, Chair


Professors Clogan, Duban, Kesterson, Lee, C. Martin, Mitchell, Montler, Preston, Ross, Stevens, J.T. Tanner, Vann, Wright. Associate Professors Baird, Bogle, Eubank, Ford, Palmer, Pettit, Raign, Rodman, Shirk, Simpkins, Sims, Warde. Assistant Professors D. Blaine, Bond, Buckalew, Carey, Cukor-Avila, Holdeman, Landman, Leath, L. Martin, May, Parrish, Richardson, Spiller. Lecturers Mathews, Spencer.


The Department of English offers courses that provide students with opportunities to develop skills in written and oral communication; to gain knowledge of American and British literature, literature in translation, and major literary types; to study the English language; and to gain experience in technical and creative writing. Most courses are open to non-majors.

The study of English language and literature not only prepares students for teaching on all levels from elementary school to college but also equips them to assume positions of responsibility in business, industry and government as managers and supervisors, personnel specialists, consultants, analysts, technical writers, editors, and other important leadership roles. English is widely recognized as a foundation discipline for many of the professions, such as law, journalism, theology, psychology and international diplomacy.

To be an English major or minor is to experience the great literature and thought of our culture and to be prepared to enter the professional world with personal enrichment and insights into the workings of human nature.

English Requirement

All students pursuing bachelor's degrees from UNT must complete the following English requirements: 12 semester hours of English ENGL 1310-1320 or 1313-1323 or the equivalent (to be determined by the Department of English), and ENGL 2210-2220 or the equivalent (to be determined by the Department of English).

Since skill in composition is basic to most college work, students enrolled for more than 8 hours must register for freshman English in the first and each succeeding long-session semester until they have satisfied the 6-hour requirement.

Advanced Placement and Credit by Examination

Credit for ENGL 1310-1320 is granted to beginning freshmen who have received college-level training in secondary school and who present scores of 5, 4 or 3 on either the Language and Composition or the Literature and Composition Advanced Placement Examination. Credit for ENGL 1310-1320 and 2210-2220 is granted to beginning freshmen who present scores of 5, 4 or 3 on both these advanced placement exams.

Students may receive a maximum of 12 semester hours of credit by examination in English; not more than 6 hours of credit will be awarded for freshman-level English and not more than 6 for sophomore-level English.

These 12 semester hours will meet the university's English requirement for graduation.

Freshman Credit

Requirements for ENGL 1310-1320 credit by examination (6 semester hours; may not duplicate other credit awarded in freshman-level English) are satisfactory performance on an essay examination administered by the department, or a minimum score on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Subject Examination in either College Composition or in Freshman English and satisfactory performance on the essay portion of the test as evidenced by the UNT Department of English.

CLEP examinations may be taken at any College Board testing center, including the one at UNT. For further information, write to the UNT Director of Admissions.

For information on the departmental examination, write to the Chair of Freshman and Sophomore English, Department of English, P.O. Box 311307, Denton, TX 76203-1307.

Sophomore Credit

Credit by examination is awarded for sophomore-level English to students who score at or above the 50th percentile of national college sophomore norms on any one of the following subject examinations, provided the student has not been enrolled in or earned credit for any college-level literature course: CLEP Analysis and Interpretation of Literature (6 hours), CLEP English Literature (6 hours) or CLEP American Literature (6 hours).

Programs of Study

The department offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the following areas:

Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts degree requires a minimum of 128 semester hours, 42 of which must be advanced, and fulfillment of degree requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree as specified in the College of Arts and Sciences section of this catalog.

Students majoring in English must contact the Undergraduate Advising Office, Auditorium Building, Room 114, to prepare their degree plans.

Major in English

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see their adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BA with a Major in English (.pdf)

BA with a Major in English (HTML)

Minor in English

The minor requires a total of 21 hours, including 9 advanced (ENGL 4080 does not count toward the minor).

Minor in English (Technical Writing)

The minor requires a total of 21 semester hours, including 9 advanced hours in ENGL 4180, 4190 and 4250.

Endorsement in English as a Second Language

See the certification adviser in the College of Education for details.

Teacher Certification

Students who expect to teach English in secondary schools must complete the requirements of the state of Texas for teacher certification as listed by the Department of Teacher Education and Administration in the College of Education section.

Graduate Degrees

The department offers degree programs leading to the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. For information, consult the Graduate Catalog.

Courses of Instruction

UNT College of Arts and Sciences Folding Key (Footnotes for College of Arts and Sciences)

UNT Undergraduate Catalog College of Arts and Sciences Table of Contents

UNT Graduate Catalog College of Arts and Sciences Table of Contents

UNT Undergraduate Catalog Table of Contents

UNT Graduate Catalog Table of Contents

UNT Undergraduate Catalog Course and Subject Guide

UNT Graduate Catalog Course and Subject Guide

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