Major in Radio/Television/Film

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see their adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BA with a Major in Radio/Television/Film (.pdf)

BA with a Major in Radio/Television/Film

Note: The order of semesters and summer terms has been changed from the print version to accommodate the one-column format of HTML publishing. A conventional Four-Year Plan is available in the .pdf file.


ENGL 1310, College Writing I 3

PSCI 1040, American Government 3

RTVF 1310, Perspectives on Radio and Television 3


Elective16 1

Wellness11 2-3

Total 15-16


ENGL 2210, World Literature I 3

HIST 2610, United States History to 186512 3

RTVF 2250, Audio Procedures 3

RTVF 2550, Introduction to Film Style Production 3

Natural Science9 4

Total 16


LANG 2040, Foreign Language (intermediate)3 3

RTVF Elective (advanced) 3

RTVF Writing Course (advanced)62 3

Elective (advanced)15, 16 3

Laboratory Science (choice)9 4

Total 16


RTVF 4320, Law and Regulation for RTVF 3

RTVF Elective (advanced) 3

Elective (advanced)16 3

Elective (advanced)15, 16 3

Elective16 3

Understanding of Ideas and Values8, 61 3

Total 18


ENGL 1320, College Writing II 3

MATH 1600, College Math with Calculus5 5

PSCI 1050, American Government 3

RTVF 1320, Perspectives of Film 3

Oral Communication2 3

Total 17


ECON 1110, Principles of Macroeconomics 3

ENGL 2220, World Literature II 3

HIST 2620, United States History Since 186512 3

RTVF 2350, Video Procedures 3

Physical Science9 4

Total 16


LANG 2050, Foreign Language (intermediate)3 3

RTVF Elective (advanced) 3

Elective (advanced)16 3

Elective (advanced)15, 16 3

Visual and Performing Arts7, 60 3

Total 15


RTVF Elective (advanced) 3

RTVF Elective (advanced) 3

Elective (advanced)15, 16 3

Elective (advanced)15, 16 3

Understanding of Ideas and Values8, 61 3

Total 15

Actual degree plans may vary depending on availability of courses in a given semester. Some courses may require prerequisites not listed. See Arts and Sciences folding key (#2) after page 208 for footnotes.

Summary of Degree Requirements:

RTVF (15 advanced): 36

Minor or Electives (6 advanced): 18


English 12

Mathematics 5-8

Laboratory Science 12

Political Science 6

History 6

Computer Science 3

Oral Communication 3

Economics 3

Visual and Performing Arts 3

Understanding of Ideas and Values 6

Wellness 2-3

Foreign Language: 6-14

Major: 36

RTVF 1310 3

RTVF 1320 3

RTVF 2250 3

RTVF 2350 3

RTVF 2550 3

RTVF 4320 3

Writing Course 3

Electives* 15

*Of the total of 36 hours in the major, 15 hours of upper level credit, junior or senior courses are required.


No more than 12 semester hours of acceptable transfer credit for RTVF may be counted toward the major.

24 hours of RTVF must be taken at UNT.

Supplemental Information for BA with Major in Radio/Television/Film

1. Students must complete 36 hours (at least 15 advanced) in the major, including RTVF 1310, 1320, 2250, 2350, 2550 and 4320, and one course from RTVF 3400, 4330 and 4460. No more than 6 hours may be earned in any combination of RTVF practicum, internship and special problem courses.

2. Students must satisfy all general requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences and the University Core Curriculum.

Only 12 hours of RTVF courses taken at other institutions may be applied toward the 36-hour requirement except for special cases approved by the department.

3. Students majoring in radio/television/film are required to have a minimum grade of C in all RTVF courses to graduate.

4. Students must observe prerequisites for each RTVF course. If a student has not completed prerequisites for a course with a grade of C or better, the student will be administratively dropped from the course.

5. Typing proficiency is required.

6. Aural competency in distinguishing discrete sounds, and visual competency in distinguishing shapes, forms, colors and movements are required to complete RTVF critical studies courses. Additional visual competency to utilize studio and location equipment and manual dexterity to operate equipment are required to complete RTVF production courses. Articulation competency to achieve broadcast industry standards may be required. Specific competency requirements for internship, seminar and special problems courses are available from the RTVF adviser.

Course Sequence for RTVF Core Requirements:

RTVF 1310 must be taken before RTVF 2250. RTVF 1320 must be taken before RTVF 2550. RTVF 2250 must be taken before RTVF 2350. RTVF 2350 must be taken before RTVF 3400.

RTVF 2200 or 2350 or 2550 must be taken before RTVF 4330.

Prerequisites for RTVF electives are listed with individual course descriptions.

Suggested Minors for BA with a Major in Radio/Television/Film

Students majoring in radio/television/film may choose a minor field of study. Suggested minors coordinated with student career goals are art/photography (for career in film), business (broadcast advertising, sales and management), drama (production/performance), education (instructional media), journalism (broadcast news), and social sciences (general).

UNT College of Arts and Sciences Folding Key (Footnotes for College of Arts and Sciences)

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