Major in Metalsmithing and Jewelry

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Metalsmithing and Jewelry (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Metalsmithing and Jewelry

Note: The order of semesters and summer terms has been changed from the print version to accommodate the one-column format of HTML publishing. A conventional Four-Year Plan is available in the .pdf file.


ART 1200, Art Appreciation 3

ART 1440, Design I 3

ART 1500, Drawing I 3

ENGL 1310, College Writing I 3

MATH 1100, College Algebra 3

Total 15


ART 2350, Art History Survey I2 3

ART 2820, Metalsmithing/Jewelry I 3

ENGL 2210, World Literature I 3

Free Elective or Computer Competence Requirement6 3

Laboratory Science9 3-4

Total 15-16


ART 4810, Metalsmithing/Jewelry Studio 3

HIST 2610, United States History to 186531 3

Advanced Art Elective 3

Art Second Craft18 3

Minor 3

Understanding of Ideas and Values9 3

Total 18


ART 4810, Metalsmithing/Jewelry Studio 3

Art History (advanced) 3

Art Third Craft18 3

Free Elective (advanced) 3

Minor (advanced) 3

Total 15


ART 1450, Design II 3

ART 1510, Drawing II 3

ECON 1110, Principles of Macroeconomics 3

ENGL 1320, College Writing II 3

Free Elective or Oral Communication Requirement7 3

Wellness5 2-3

Total 17-18


ART 2360, Art History Survey II3 3

ART 3910, Metalsmithing/Jewelry II 3

ENGL 2220, World Literature II 3

Laboratory Science9 3-4

Minor 3

Total 15-16


ART 4810, Metalsmithing/Jewelry Studio 3

HIST 2620, United States History Since 186531 3

Art History (advanced) 3

Art Second Craft (advanced)18 3

Minor 3

Total 15


ART 4810, Metalsmithing/Jewelry Studio 3

ART 4810, Metalsmithing/Jewelry Studio 3

Free Elective (advanced) 3

Free Elective 1-4

Minor (advanced) 3

Total 13-16


PSCI 1040, American Government 3

Minor 3

Total 6


ART 2100, Beginning Figure Drawing 3

PSCI 1050, American Government 3

Total 6

Actual degree plans may vary depending on availability of courses in a given semester.Some courses may require prerequisites not listed. See Visual Arts notes in supplement booklet for footnotes.

Summary of Degree Requirements:

Art: 63

Minor (6 advanced): 18


English 12

History 6

Political Science 6

Wellness 2-3

Economics 3

Mathematics 3

Laboratory Science 6-8

Understanding of Ideas and Values 3

Free Electives (6 advanced): 13-16


36 hours of art must be taken at UNT.

42 hours must be advanced; 24 of the 42 hours must be taken at UNT.To reach 42 advanced hours, 6 hours of free electives must be advanced.

24 of the last 30 hours must be completed at UNT.

Supplemental Information for BFA with a Major in Metalsmithing and Jewelry

Portfolio Reviews for Metalsmithing/Jewelry Majors

Throughout their enrollment in jewelry and metalsmithing courses at UNT, students will be involved in performance evaluation through examinations, class discussion/critiques, and student presentations. They will be expected to demonstrate:

Mid-Point Review

During the first semester of enrollment in ART 4810, Metalsmithing and Jewelry Studio, students working toward a major in metalsmithing/jewelry must present a portfolio of their work to be reviewed by a committee of art faculty before they continue in the program. Work presented must demonstrate competence in metalsmithing/jewelry, but other work should be included to demonstrate a broad involvement and development in art. The committee will expect to see work from Design 1440, 1450, Drawing 1500, 1510, 2100, Metalsmithing/Jewelry 2820, 3910, and 4810 as well as work from any other related art course that the student may have taken.

Presentation, as well as quality and quantity of work, will be considered by the committee. Photographs or slides are acceptable; however, a significant number of actual pieces are required. The review will be held once each regular semester. It will take place during approximately the 12th week of the semester in a place to be selected by the committee. The student will be allowed to take the review twice. However, students who fail the first review will not be allowed to enroll in additional upper division metalsmithing/jewelry courses until satisfactory completion of the second review. If the student's portfolio is not deemed satisfactory the second time through, he or she will not be allowed to continue in the metalsmithing/jewelry program.

After the committee has reviewed and discussed the work with the student, a decision will be made as to whether the student should:

1. Continue in the area of metalsmithing/jewelry.

2. Take or repeat a course that the committee feels might be beneficial to improving the quality of the student's work before continuing.

3. Direct efforts to another concentration.

4. Not continue.

Successful completion of the portfolio review does not imply successful completion of a degree in art with a concentration in metals. Rather, it implies that the student possesses at least the minimal skills required to continue in the program.

Transfer Credits

Special arrangements will be made to review the work of students transferring metals credit from other institutions. Such students must have their work reviewed during their first semester at the University of North Texas in order to be admitted to subsequent classes in the metalsmithing/jewelry program.

Senior Exit Review

Graduating seniors, during their final enrollment in ART 4810, Metalsmithing and Jewelry Studio will participate in an exhibition of undergraduate works. Reviews are not conducted during summer sessions; students should not take their review course at this time. Graduating seniors should identify themselves to their instructor during the first week of class. If it is determined, through examinations or critique of work that competencies are insufficient, students may be assigned a grade of "Incomplete" and barred from graduation until deficiencies are corrected.


Record of success in passing each review will be furnished to the student and recorded for the School of Visual Arts.

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