Undergraduate Courses in Library and Information Sciences

Library and Information Sciences, SLIS = 0720

4001. Introduction to Information Professions. 1 hour. History, roles and scope of information professions and practice. Basic concepts and issues including impact of information technology on the individual, intellectual freedom, privacy and diversity. Course activities emphasizing team building and leadership skills.

4080. Research Methods and Evaluation. 3 hours. Research principles and techniques; role of theories and hypotheses; experimental and non-experimental research; measurement and data collection; analysis and interpretation; quantitative methods and applications; problems in formulating research proposals and evaluating representative studies. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): SLIS 4710 or equivalent.

4090. Practice Work in Information Agencies. 3 hours. Supervised practice work and field study (120 clock hours minimum) in a cooperating learning resources center or information agency, plus seminar conferences and summary report. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of prior courses in the school and application early in prior semester. For students without prior field experience. Pass/no pass only.

4200. Basic Information Organization. 4 hours. Basics
of information organization and presentation for facilitating access. Concepts and problems of human information behavior, classification and categorization related to information organization. Database technology, structure
and design. Standards for information organization, data representation and information exchange. Systems for organizing information and facilitating information access
in various information use environments.

4205. Introduction to Indexing and Abstracting. 3 hours. Applications in different types of information systems and agencies. Use of database retrieval software. Indexing language formulation, macros programming, and design
for user support. Planning and implementing representative programs. Corequisite(s): SLIS 4200 or 4210 and 4710, or consent of school.

4210. Information Organization and Records Control.
3 hours. Descriptive cataloging, subject analysis, classification and control of information resources of all kinds;
Anglo-American Cataloging Rules; Dewey decimal and Library of Congress classification systems; subject headings; organization, functions and use of catalogs and classification systems; principles of information indexing and retrieval; use of bibliographic databases; representative problems and practice. Prerequisite(s): SLIS 4200 and 4710, or consent of school.

4230. Records Management Operations. 3 hours. Management operations for records control and use; preparation, organization, storage, retrieval and dissemination. Preservation, security and disposal problems. Planning and supervising records management programs. Departmental functions and organization. Data-processing applications and on-line systems.

4300. Administration of Information Agencies. 3 hours. Role, functions and development of principal kinds of information centers and agencies. Management principles and practices; standards and evaluation; resources and services; facilities and equipment; planning, staffing and reporting; public relations; budgeting and financial procedures; policy making; social contexts and backgrounds; professional perspectives. Corequisite(s): SLIS 4710 or consent of school.

4400. Evaluation and Development of Information Resources. 3 hours. Principles and techniques of selecting and acquiring information resources of all kinds; development and maintenance of collections; criteria and selection aids; national and trade bibliographies; on-line searching; publishers and publishing; censorship problems and intellectual freedom; representative problems and practice.

4420. Information Resources for Children. 3 hours. Survey of print and non-print materials, including multicultural/multiethnic materials; utilization practices and selection; curricular correlations and enrichment; recreational and developmental needs; children's services and programs; wide reading and use of literature and other materials for children from preschool through middle-school years.

4430. Information Resources for Young Adults. 3 hours. Survey of print and non-print materials, including multicultural/multiethnic materials; utilization practices and selection; curricular correlations and enrichment; recreational and developmental needs; young adult services and programs; wide reading and use of literature and other materials for young adults from upper middle school through high school years.

4600. Basic Information Access and Retrieval. 4 hours. Basic principles and techniques of information retrieval and access services. Survey of research in information seeking behavior and user interaction. Introduction to systems of access, search and retrieval skills, and collection management. Study of evaluation methods for all formats of resources, services, and user satisfaction.

4615. Electronic Information Services. 3 hours. Basic concepts of electronic information services and databases in different fields; conducting on-line searches and evaluating services. Supervised practical experience. Prerequisite(s): SLIS 4710 or consent of school. Corequisite(s): SLIS 4600
or consent of school.

4620. Information Resources in the Humanities. 3 hours. Information resources, methods and services to meet access needs in the humanities. Literature searching and communication patterns in individual fields. Role of professional organizations and government.
Representative problems
and practice. Prerequisite(s): SLIS 4600 or consent of school. Corequisite(s): SLIS 4615 or consent of school.

4630. Information Resources in Sciences and Technology. 3 hours. Information resources, methods and services to meet access needs in science and technology. Literature searching and communication patterns in individual fields. Role of professional organizations and government. Representative problems and practice. Prerequisite(s): SLIS 4600 or consent of school Corequisite(s): SLIS 4615 or consent of school.

4640. Information Resources in the Social Sciences.
3 hours. Information resources, methods and services to meet access needs in the social sciences. Literature searching and communication patterns in individual fields. Role of professional organizations and government. Representative problems and practice. Prerequisite(s): SLIS 4600 or consent of school. Corequisite(s): SLIS 4615 or consent of school.

4646. Information Resources in Business. 3 hours. Information resources, methods and services to meet access needs of business as a discipline and in practice. Characteristics of information services to a specific, diverse user community. Introduction to and development of print and electronic forms of information relevant to the business community's information needs. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

4685. Information Resources in Culturally Diverse Communities. 3 hours. Information resources, methods and services to meet access needs of ethnic cultural minorities. Issues in the provision of information services to ethnic cultural minority communities. Study of the needs and cultural milieu of these communities. Materials and methods for serving these groups.

4710. Introduction to Information Technology. 3 hours. Basic concepts of information and its role in an information society. Includes mechanisms of information processing, information transfer, and applications of computers and other information tools in various disciplines and fields.

4720. Multi-Media Production. 3 hours. Non-book resources and services in different kinds of libraries and information/media centers. Includes preparation and organization of materials, instructional design and materials production, and the use and maintenance of related equipment. Supervised laboratory experience. Prerequisite(s): SLIS 4710 or consent of school.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each. Supervised individual or small-group study of special problems or topics not otherwise covered by regular course offerings. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor and dean of school.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4960-4970. Information Science Institute/Seminar.
1-6 hours each. Special institute courses and seminars. Prerequisite(s): consent of school. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

Graduate Catalog Library and Information Sciences Courses

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